Hi all, I was hoping to get a bit of clarification around the rules for fireteams and AROs against them, as I'm really not quite sure how they work. 1.) Say a fireteam duo of two father knights, one with boarding shotgun (BS) and one with a missile launcher (ML) activate. Both are visible to an enemy model at the point of activation. Can that enemy model choose which one it will ARO against (as I am activating the entire fireteam, not individual models), or would it have to ARO against whichever model performs a short skill first? So I might decide to declare that the first shortskill the fireteam is using is move, but would it only be when the skill is performed that the ARO is triggered? 2.) In a similar vein, say that neither of the Father Knights are visible to the enemy model. I choose to activate BS first with the move short skill, and move it around a corner so that the enemy model can now see it. I then move ML around the corner as well, so both are now visible. Would the enemy model have to declare the ARO against the first model it actually sees (e.g. the BS), or does it declare its ARO once the entire team has moved, enabling it to choose which one it would ARO at? 3.) If the enemy model in 2.) can't choose, does that also apply to G:Servants? E.g. The Hospitaller Knight Doctor and it's Palbot (move the Palbot around the corner first to trigger the ARO, almost pseudo smoke). 4.) How do templates work in ARO's against fireteams? Say there is a core fireteam of five models, and four of those models are standing in a line directly behind one another, with the fifth model slightly off to the side. In front of them is an enemy model with a template weapon of some variety. Could the fireteams owner activate the model off to the side first, forcing the template weapon to ARO against that, and thus saving the four troops huddled in a line? 5.) How do templates work when a fireteam member only briefly is visible for an ARO? Say there is a small gap, and a lone member of a core fireteam moves across it, which gives an ARO to a boarding shotgun equiped enemy model. If the model fires at that point on the route, the impact template will then hit the rest of the fireteam, and that is the only point it could be fired as an ARO. But by the time you get to the resolution point (i.e. towards the end of the entire activation), the rest of the fireteam will have moved and thus no longer would be hit. Is that right? Sorry for the numerous examples, and I suspect I have just missed a single line in the rulebook or something, but this is really bugging me and my partner. Thoughts hugely appreciated!
All Fireteam skills are simultaneous So if you spend an order on a Fireteam you nominate the leader, then ALL members perform their first skill, then AROs are declared, then all members perform their second skill. In example 1 the reactive trooper can choose who to ARO. Example 2 and 3 they could also choose, there is no "first", both are considered to move at the same time, the exception is if you use the first skill to move one member into view, generate AROs, then use the second skill to move again, but then you won't be able to respond to the ARO. Example 4, the entire Fireteam is activated at the same time, you could break the Fireteam, spend an order on the 5th member, then reform with a command token though. Example 5, any Fireteam member who's movement path goes through the template during the order is hit. Models are assumed to occupy their entire movement path for the duration of the order.
Thanks Colbrook, that makes a lot of sense and answers all of my questions. I suspect it was just the way I was reading the rules, but it didn't really make sense to me at all, so hugely appreciated.