Here is a list of all the supported skill combo's for a fireteam from the wiki FIRETEAM ORDER: SKILL COMBINATIONS -Movement Skill -Movement Skill + Movement Skill -Movement Skill + Evasion Skill / Evasion Skill + Movement Skill -Movement Skill + Support Skill / Support Skill + Movement Skill -Evasion Skill -Support Skill Where is what the wiki says about support skills "This classification includes the Skills not specified in the previous classifications. Basically, this includes the Short Movement Skill Discover, all the Short Skills (except the ones stated in the Evasion classification), and all the Entire Order Skills that are not Movement Skills. This category also includes scenario Short Skills, such as "Activate Console" or "Deploy and Activate Beacon". When declaring Support Skills, only the Team Leader performs the roll and applies the effects. The rest of the Fireteam members do not perform any Roll or apply their effects, but they give the Team Leader certain bonuses determined by the number of Fireteam members." Does the "Support Skill" include Attacks? I know this might seem like a dumb question but this game's rules make me question common sense understanding. Are there any other "Special Maneuvers" aside from Discover + BS attack that a fireteam and declare/use in an order?
All Attacks are either Short Skills or Entire Order Skills, so yes, they will count as Support Skills.
If it helps, the Fireteam skill classifications aren't about what the skill does, it's about how the Fireteam performs the skill. So the categories end up being: "Just Movement" - All of the Fireteam members perform the movement. (Discover is a Support Skill, Evasion - The Fireteam members roll dice for Dodge, Change Facing, and Reset Support (Everything else) - For "Everything Else" only the Fireteam leader does what's specified in the skill, and applies whatever parts of the Fireteam bonus rules are relevant. Nope. Discover + BS Attack is pretty much the only thing that didn't properly fit into the skill classifications, but not letting fire teams perform it would have been too severe. For what it's worth, Discover + BS Attack is the only thing the rulebook calls out as a "Special Maneuver" because it's pretty much the last hold over from 2nd edition's skill mechanics. It's the only remaining case where you're allowed to declare a skill that isn't valid yet because you previously declared something that might make it valid.