I am a bit unsure on how Sepsitor would work in some cases: 1) A model with sepsitor succsesfully uses it and the target should be but in the same combat group, what would happen if the group is already full? I couldn't find specific answer to this, I think that the sepsitorized model would just be put in a differnt combat group, but I can't find a specific statement in the rules. 2) even though Sepsitor affects only models with a Cube, it still can be used to target a model without Cube, it's just the Sepsitorized state won't affect the target, but if for example I use intuitive attack against a camo marker, this attack won't get nullified if the marker has no Cube, and it would still need to make a BTS roll if I succeed with intuitive attack?
1. It's to let you know which Order Pool can be spent on the trooper. 2. Yes, the target would still need to make a BTS Roll so would be revealed.
1. The sepsitorized model doesn't actually take up a combat group slot; that's just keeping track of which order pool you can use to activate it. 2. Even if the target has no cube, sepsitor still requires a BTS roll and Guts checks. So if you hit a camo marker with it, it will lose its camouflage state and be replaced with a model.
Thank you for confirmation, I reeealy was not sure about sepsitorized model not taking up space in a combat group.
Remember that a Sepsitorised trooper doesn't generate an order, so he doesn't actually push the combat group over the 10 order limit. Also, my phone's swipe keyboard now knows Sepsitorised!