I'm looking for a couple new YouTube channels to follow. Not necessarily infinity or gaming based. Hopefully something with regular updates. I find there is very few new tv shows that i like. Below are some of my preferred channels. Phillip Defranco: current events... Would love a version of this but more Canadian. Late show with stephan Colbert for his monologue Guerilla miniature games: has good battle reports for lots of games Cracked: good comedy, love the honest series... not much new recently TopMusicWorld: for UK music lists Outsidextra &outsidextra : gets me my old video games fix without actually playing them. Any suggestions.
I suggest the D&D crafters: DM Scotty, Wyloch, Black Magic Craft, Game Terrain Engineering, and others i'm forgetting now, they have a circle of roleplaying crafts (and i'd really, really like to sit in on a game with Scotty as the DM, he has the awesome combination of extreme imagination, nerdiness and an absolute lack of shame, it'd be a blast). And the terrain people, TerrainTutor, LukesAPS, Luke Towan (even though he's a train guy and all his stuff is more for impressive looks than wargaming durability) and again a couple more i'm forgetting now. And of course, Uncle Atom, because he's the only dude i've seen giving fatherly wargaming advice.
Techmoan - weird tech/gadget showcase. Nerdwriter1 - Commentary on film, music, art, and other areas . Every Frame a Painting - Film commentary.
Last Week Tonight (with John Oliver). The John Campea Channel: I like his take on movies and the Industry in general; although lately, he does seem to pander a bit to Disney. Jeremy Jahns/Chris Stuckman: Have similar tastes in movies (and to my own). Usually I agree with their reviews. Channel Awesome: (I like the Nostalgia Critic) The Joe Rogan Channel: MMA fighter, now Podcast host. He touches a variety of subjects and I like where his mind is. Extra Credits: just learned about them and I'm hooked. Their Ghengis Khan and Sci Fi series are AWESOME! Crash Course: Choose your Poison. They have everything. My favorites are World History and Literature with John Green. Those are the ones from the top of my head.
Guerrilla Miniature Games and Gaming with the Cooler: both quality and varied wargaming content. Heir of Carthage: Love me some Total War playthroughs, and occasionally other RTS's Let's Play: I like to watch idiots be idiots playing games, and occasionally be competent at said game. Loading Ready Run: Quality Canadian sketch comdey, occasionally nerdy always funny. Loading Ready live: Quality Canadian sketch comedians playing video games.
Always and forever Pewds. Haters don't @ me Although Cybershell is my favorite channel not many are in to 5 hour slowruns of Sonic Adventure.
Smarter Every Day - Everyday science in easily digestable chunks, very interesting stuff you don't usually think about. CGP Grey - Edumacational topics. Casually Explained - Answers to real life questions. Kurzgesagt - Visually pleasing videos explaining things with optimistic nihilism. Noclip - Top quality video game documentaries. Red Letter Media - Tongue in cheek movie reviews and discussions. Soviet Womble - Multiplayer gaming and streaming hijinks edited for comedic effect. Hilarious stuff. Viva la Dirt League - Comedy sketches related to nerd culture.
How could I forget those two! Also, Zefrank1! His True Facts about _____ are hilarious and his Sad Cat Diary is spot on!