okay guys, what do you think about this month? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Al tajo, ya sabeis como va esto Si os preguntais donde esta @Kakino , ahora mismo se encuentra con el culo lleno de nueces IRMANDINHOS: KNIGHTS HOSPITALLER BIT & KISS! GARUDA TACTBOTS KUANG SHI
No es un mes muy allá. Si mi voto tuviese que ir a algún sitio, iría a Bit&Kiss. Pero es que echo de menos a Kanino, en verdad. Si montáis una encuesta con peor novedad de enero, contad con mi voto para el repack de los Spektrs.
I have to request a translation of the last option so I know what I'm voting for :P As for miniatures, I'm conflicted between the Irmandinho (the only sensible miniature not spoiled in some way) and Bit/Kiss (because a great profile gets released).
For February my choice is Bit n Kiss - I like the sinister look and feel of her. I think she has a change towards adulthood. The Hospitallers are good too, but here I dislike the rocks under their feet. Why so many? It looks silly with the official city-like bases. For me I will put them in my Svarlaheima Force (if and when it comes) and so I think they can blend in, coverd with some snow. The Kuangs are okay, but here I ask myself? Why? 1) Its only a minor upgrade compared to the old ones, I think only a size makes a differenz here. 2) why the kuangs and not Celestial Guard SWC? Sometimes I realy do NOT understand CB (maybe they don´t want to be understood and have too many artists and not enough gamers ;-). They release the ISS Starter before the main faction starter. Inside are three Celestials (I love the minis, but I already painted the old ones). After that - no SWC Box :cryingcat:. Then the regulare starter shows up and shortly after that a Zahnshi SWC Box with - sadly - no much use, because players can not link them an have to much use for single swc weapons on a lowley Zahnshi. After that - nothing but the DF 6 Box wich allows to build: CG, CG, CG, Spec Op, Crane Spitfire - powerful and all new size models - but only a single layout for this link. So - why no CG SWC? And now Kuangs that have to be led by old CG Model ... Oh sry that has nothing to do with the optical appereance, but hey maybe the read this and fasten things up a bit? The Garuda look fine, but I am not a fan of the big turbine (I always think, that is its head ;-) and for I REM - I liked the old build in weapons more. The Irma is a big improvement vs. the old ones.
¿No sabe masticar su comida? Supongo que sea jugador de USAriadna, entonces. Bit sufre de estar pintorreada. Ganan las caballeros, menos sendas piedras tácticas.
In the end I voted for Bit&KISS, although I still find Bit's face to be very weird looking. The Irmandinho was a strong contender, a very simple but effective model.
I went with the Hospitallers, but this was a strong month in my opinion, with only the Kuang Shi being slightly disappointing (the running pose and face mask up).
[EN] If I have to choose one I would say Irmandinho or Bit, but in fact I think no one is too great: -Irmandinho: simple and functional, what you see is what you get (even the booty is represented) -Bit & KISS: She is OK and sinister, but the face (maybe is the painting) didn't like me -Hospitallers: As single miniatures they would be great, but they have the problem that their sectorial has a lot of similar HI (and the rocks, too many rocks) -Garuda: A model that we saw before in another pose -Kuang Shi: The old models in the new scale, great for YJ players but... they are going to die --------- [ES] Tranquilos a todos, sigo vivo, tengo un culo resistente. Las novedades de este mes no me apasionan especialmente, no es que estén mal pero varias cosas empañan el resultado final: -Irmandinho: simple y funcional, representa lo que hay, así que bien -Bit & KISS: El pintado de la cara no termina de convencerme, pero está OK. Creo que sin mostrar el concept antes el resultado hubiese impresionado más. -Hospitalarios: El principal problema que tienen es que su sectorial ya está lleno de IP similares... y esas rocas, demasiadas rocas. -Garuda: También está bien, pero al final es una mini que ya se ha visto antes en otra pose -Kuang Shi: Básicamente los han reescalado y adaptado a los nuevos estándares de esculpido, no llaman la atención pero eran muy demandados por los jugadores chinos. Lo peor de todo, ese repack de spektrs, que parecen tropas diferentes.
The Hospitalers... the orthopedic poses kill them (and I don't like the "medikit gun", much less on a HI). So it's between the Irmandinhos and Kiss. I vote the girl, she has a lot of possoibilities, and the Irmandinho can steal whatever else XD
While Kuang Shi will be bought twice, I would rate them lowest this month. I like the poses of the Hospitaler since it is becoming increasingly obvious with discussions on forums that a modicum of accurate placing is required in this game and unlike most models these Hospitaler would actually make this possible. That said, I like Bit + Kiss best. Especially considering the massive improvements to Bit over the concept art.
Kuang Shi is my favorite, because males and females finally have guns of the same size. CB recently started this trend and I am glad to see it continue.