I can't find in the rules how engage and bs attack interact: if a reactive model is in partial cover and declares an engage against an active model, would the reactive model benefit from partial cover against an active model?
Note, This and dodge get wierd for mines and deployables. So dodges trigger mines if you dodge into their trigger area, but this only happens if you succeed the dodge. Then you have the fact that the Mine forces an -3 to the dodge roll against it. So what gets weird is Dodging against say a sniper shot where you Pass the dodge, Beat the snipers roll, but fail the dodge against the mine (-3 mod thats not applied to the dodge against the sniper) and take the mine hit to the face.
Wasn't mines triggering from dodge's movement path FAQed out of the game? (I.e. it's only the initial position that triggers mines)
@Mahtamori - nope, the FAQ on the wiki page for mines states that Dodge move does trigger mines if it moves the model in trigger zone.
Right, but still dodging into a mines makes it impossible to take damage from them if memory serves, because if you fail against the mine, you don't move and that means the mine doesn't get triggered. Still weird.
Except you count as moving and can declare CC attack against a model that has AROd 'engage' prior to moving. So... odd.
Whilst your point is true of Dodge, it's not true for Engage. Even though the Engage follows the General Movement rules it's impossible to trigger Deployables on a successful Engage. The only time you can set off a mine with an Engage is if you start in the trigger area and fail your Engage.
Not really, it works pretty much the same way as Dodge (counts as movement, model only moves after a successful roll) with the added caveat that the target can respond with a CC Attack.
i had the same question at a tournament past weekend and i was just looking into it before asking the forum. Engage count as reaching the end point of your movement as the active model can follow up with a CC skill as second short skill. Dodge allow you to move 2" if successful but will trigger mines based on the end point, the FAQ refer to Order Expenditure that any movement declare in ARO must then be measured. Which I note is the same way it is done for Active movement. If you Dodge out of cover, can the active mode claim shooting you when you are out of cover ? Would be similar to the initial question. What I do note is that in the case of Engage it says that you must not declare the exact route taken, so how can you claim being able to shoot at any point of the movement ? My conclusion is you can only shoot at where the model started, or you can CC, but not decide to shoot 1mm before he reach CC or anywhere else in the not-declare route. Also I just learned that when you Engage you don't set off mines (unlike Dodge where you trigger them and waste them if you pass). edit: i have no conclusion about shooting a model who is declaring to dodge out of cover. Going from the rule and FAQ you do have to declare an exact route when dodging which is measured before calculating MODs.