Rules: 1) Post a picture of an unpainted/primed Corvus Belli miniature you pledge to paint. 2) Paint it within the month, post your proof (PICS or it DID NOT happen). 3) Rinse and repeat as much as you like. 4) You can re-pledge a miniature next month if you didn't finish it. 5) Enjoy and learn! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Perdón por el retraso, y por abrir tarde el hilo también... Reglas: 1) Postea una foto de la miniatura de Corvus Belli sin pintar o imprimada que te comprometas a pintar. 2) Píntala dentro del mes, postea unas fotos del resultado. 3) Pinta todo lo que quieras. 4) Puedes repetir una miniatura si no la has terminado. 5) Divierte y aprende!
Alright, here we go... this is my February line up currently on the painting table. More Haqqislam reinforcements.
don't have a photo of this primed but hope to finish this weekend (new lockdown here, so i assume have time)
Finished these ladies up. Octavia will be a Hunzakut and the limited lady of Sass, is a Druze Grenadelauncher.