Dear CB, Make Mines Silhouette 2 I truly don't understand why they insist on Mines being Sx after all this time. 200 years in the future will a pressure sensitive disk be what is considered a mine? Already the concept of mines having a higher threat area exists so maybe we need to move past our pre conceived notion of what a mine physically entails. This will solve the lots of issues. I propose the rules for mines are as follows: Mines are S2, they retain the Min -3 to represent that they are not as big as a man so not as easy to shoot however they do not block LoF or provide Partial Cover to either player. Seed Soldiers should also deploy as a S2 Camo marker or at the very least a S2 camo marker in the prone state because if it is clearly not a mine or a trooper and obviously a Embryo then it's a massive nerf. If anybody sees any massive game breaking issues with this feel free to point and laugh once you identify the flaw in my thinking.
The main difference is that making mines S2 gives more flexibility in how mines trigger and how the teardrop template can be placed because you have more silhouette to work with. For example, a mine on a roof with a parapet currently can generally only trigger and hit troopers walking on or above the same level. With the proposed changes, the same mine could place the template at the top of their silhouette to hit troopers walking by below. I don't think it would be detrimental, but it does functionally change how mines trigger.
It would be much simpler solution to just have mines mandatory deploy in prone. Yes it will be maybe a bit less obvious what is a mine, but generally you can already tell that in most cases and this would remove so many issues with mines in camo we have currently ( or for the last 11 years I play this game ).
I agree deploying mines in prone would be a more elegant solution. As for how obvious would they be, I don't think it will be different as how it is today, since nowadays we know any camo marker prone cannot be a mine, and after the change it would be the standing ones the ones that would not be a mine. Positioning of the marker (both in groups and in the table) is what usually reveals which marker is a mine after all.
Those would work with the circular template, I think (they jump rotating in order to be stable and detonate more or less in a plane paralell to the ground). A spring-loaded "catapult-like" mounted claymore would be needed, but I don't dig it, frankly, since it would be an overcomplicated engineering (that would also add weight to the soldier's kit). The idea of this thread, however, is to simplify the mines' silhouette.