Indexation of the last video from Corner Case channel. What to Buy For Steel Phalanx After Operation Blackwind? Infinity N4 So you bought the Operation Blackwind Box and you’re wondering what to buy next. Hi. They say the best way to get an answer online is not to ask a question but to provide an answer. List 1 gr4Nc3RlZWwtcGhhbGFueBZCbGFja1dpbmQtU1AtMzAwcHQtQ0MxgSwCAQoBhjcBBQAChjkBBAADglMBAQAEhjgBAwAFglsBBgAGglMBAQAHhjkBAwAIglgBAwAJglgBBwAKhjsBAgACBQGCXQEBAAKCUQEBAAOCUQEBAASCaAEDAAWAwAEBAA== List 2 gr4Nc3RlZWwtcGhhbGFueBRCbGFja1dpbmQtU1AtMzAwcHQtNYEsAgEJAYY3AQUAAoY5AQQAA4Y5AQIABIJTAQEABYJbAQQABoJTAQEAB4JhAQEACIJMAQQACYLoAQEAAgYBgloBAwACgmgBAwADgMABAQAEglEBAQAFglEBAQAGglQBAQA= My name is Dek. I'm a designer, entrepreneur and gamer from the Bay Area. My biggest motivation and aspiration is absolutely building a great community around tabletop wargaming and RPG's. Join me in pushing the culture forward, and having a good ol' time doin' it. Talk It Out! Join us on Facebook: Join us on Patreon: