- Sargosh has an LGL with no weapon profile in C1 - Caliban's Forward Deployment seems to have the inches entry in the cm one, which is then used to calculate the inches one...? - ^^ Same for Nourkias' Dodge extension
Is there no way to get the Units icons to be displayed Horizontal? I have a 17" screen and it's all piled on top of each other at normal font and size.
Also, I can not print anything. A window comes up but then gets canceled. I can print anything else on my PC but when I press the Print Army List button, a normal Print window briefly pops up and then goes away.
If you use a windows scaling above 100% it isnt possible to see the points of your army. Presumably this only effects certain resolutions. The list check states there can only be one battle group on a codeone list. This should be combat group. What is the sorting of the units at the moment? On the app it seems to be unit type.
On the mobile App: O-12, the first PSI-COps entry, the Specialist operative, has an irregular order instead of regular for his type.
Currently the bs weapons section includes medium multi and anti-material as traits, neither of which have a rules entry.
Mobile version has impact templates for missile launchers, which don’t exist in C1. Mobile version has stun mode for MULTI weapons, which don’t exist in C1.
Actually, a bunch of weapons seem to have N3 rules text; the PARA CCW reads more or less like Electric Pulse.
Unsure if intended or not but Hippolyta in O-12 has DA weapon where she normally has explosive. Lots of conversion errors for dodge ranges and forward deployment ranges when using inches, seems that each entry with dodge following the first gets the conversion rates between inches and cm reapplied. Psi-cops have shock immunity where shock and immunity don't exist in the rules.
I'm going to put this as a bug just because it might be. Nourkias has MA4 and CC attack (+1B). That's the same thing as MA5... so just make it MA5 to be cleaner? Resolved as very likely intentional. However, I did notice that Ko Dali's FD extension is also mis-entered.
Does anyone have any sort of help or resolution for a Printer Issue? I can not get my Printer Dialog window to stay open once the list comes up. I can get Infinity ARMY to print. I can get my other Programs to print. I've tried to clean Cashe and Cookies and all that stuff in Chrome. ARMY7 doesn't even show up in Edge. I know some others have had this issue but I was wondering if anyone has a solution. Would love to NOT use my APP to play (I like paper list...).
Hello everyone!! First of all, thank you very much for your help, we are trying to correct all bugs as quickly as possible. The error you're talking about is being complicated for us since it doesn't happen to us, and fixing a bug you don't have is very complicated! But we're working on it. Today, or maybe tomorrow, I'll upload an update with the print of the weapons and hacking charts.
I can understand that. If I didn't have some roommates who were looking to learn to play, I would not push for it but... lol. I thank you for any sort of effort. I don't think that many people have the issue but I know there are others who do. Thank you guys for staying on top of things during these times! You guys roock!
To update now... So I can get to the print window but the ARMY List is 32 pages long with each page being a unit symbol that is the size of the whole page or its the unit profile written from top to bottom. BUT I can get to the Print page. So there is progress. Again, thank you guys for getting to this! This is in Google Chrome. I will try Edge as the ARMY7 wasn;'t even coming up in that Browser. I will also try Firefox.
So Edge doesn't come up at all. No ARMY showing up. The Firefox browser brings up the Print dialog window but it's not a full screen preview. The List though seems to print fine.
For anyone experiencing a "404 permission denied" or a completely black screen; clear your browser cache!
Hi there, the HSIEN Warriors profile for the lieutenant with a marksman rifle has a CC Weapon, not an AP CC Weapon. I think he's probably meant to be identical to the other marksman, though.