Good Morning y’all For those of you who bring the Chasseur, do you ever put it in suppression or do you try to keep it in camo? As a midfield roadblock, being able to jump out of camo after the second skill can be pretty effective. On the other hand, suppressive fire could keep models from even trying to approach, which may be more effective. While in suppression and cover, shooting the Chasseur is going to be at a -9 and there’s still the flamethrower or just deploying a mine. And I know, this is all with the huge Infinity Caveat that it depends on the scenario, list, opponent, state of the board, etc.
I have found both to be very effective, however, I think that the Chasseur has too many tools to just leave them in suppression.
Normally the Foxtrot FOs do the dirty job of suppressive firing next to the console or blocking a line. They are rather good at it, and Chasseurs would do the same job just as well. Not a radical idea, I would say.
I've never used suppression fire with my Chasseur, but then they're not normally alive by then! Although if you can get them in the right place, (i.e. so they have to be attacked within 8"), then Sixth Sense L1, (not 2!), really helps - I know when I put my Vet Kazaks on supp fire they can be quite an order sink to shift, so I'd assume the Chasseur would be fairly similar.
Yeah, SS1, my bad. I was going off memory and switched it with the Vet Kazak. I think if they are still around 2nd turn I may throw them in suppressive fire as a CO with the Foxtrot, but I won’t base any strategy around it. Depends a lot on the table set up and where I can get them.