Camo silhouette from your coldfront pack (naga and scout) are not available yet in the ariadna and aleph camo silhouette ? Could you make them available and add the new other new silhouettes : Ariadna : Scout boarding shotgun, Tankhunter rifle, Stelok and antipode, new chasseur Aleph : new naga sniper, new asura (cybermask) Nomads : Heckler jammer, Heckler hacker (cybermask and camo) (if someone find other missing silhouette please tell me) Also, in the new non alignated silhouette, you added the option to choose the Methacrylate Colors. Could you add this to all other faction camo silhouette ? Also, could you add the other color (transparent : MTVI, MTRE... and maybe to opaque one) to the list ?