Putting this in OT because by its very nature it's mentioning non-Infinity stuff But a simple premise: Imagine that Corvus Belli a̶r̶e̶ ̶c̶r̶e̶a̶t̶i̶v̶e̶l̶y̶ ̶b̶a̶n̶k̶r̶u̶p̶t̶ have asked you to add a brand-new faction into the game! Except by "brand new", they mean "We somehow found the lost city of El Dorado on holiday and we can only buy and ride so many yachts, so we're going to buy other people's IPs and jam them into ours because again, yachts, so pick one." Or something along those lines, the reason doesn't really need to add up. Point is, you pick faction or factions from something else, and say how you'd put them into Infinity. Can be from any old source, not necessarily another wargame Try to use common sense and have them be factions that can fit into the N3 system with regards to Silhouettes and basic rules, and bear in mind it doesn't need to be a perfect representation of the faction - you can make up stuff to fill gaps, mix and match from things the faction uses at different points in history, etc. Don't sweat the details too much on making 100% sense though, if you want something relying on psychic powers, magic, from an alternate history, or something that can't quite exist in the Infinity 'verse, just roll with it. But if you want to excuse it to have, say, the Firefly system suddenly pop into being alongside the existing Human systems despite that being far too early in that IP's timeline... Why not? Background is optional. Again, yachts. * For me, I'd say the Shin-Ra from FF7. To me they would offer something with a decent balance of "stuff that kind of exists in the game" alongside the fun of materia based lunacy. An Infinitified Shin-Ra would presumably still be a Megacorp, a big fish in their pond, but in the Infinity universe, there are other megacorporations. Rather than a direct transplant, they'd hold an expy variant of Gaia from the game. No Wutai, Midgar is a large city that combines elements of the FF7 megacity with the smaller fortress-city of Junon, no Gold Saucer, but the smaller towns could be outposts as the company explores the rest of the planet up close to tap into resources, the most significant of which is Materia. Here, the Materia is more of a mystery rather than relying on the lifestream concept. Like Silk and Tesium, it only comes from one planet. Like the former, it can be synthesised, but like the latter, it occurs naturally. Materia, a crystal/gemstone like substance, can both be used as a source of fuel. Think of it as Piezoelectric energy on steroids and then some. It would eventually lose the stored energy but can be recharged in the strange energy pools dubbed "Mako". The origin of the Mako where the substance forms is unknown, but the Shin-Ra have perfected reactors that can make a fast-grown version as well as recharge the natural variants of Materia quickly. Mako itself is poisonous with prolonged exposure, but Materia exhibits no signs of any risk to life. Surveying for Mako is a complicated task, as it often is found in sheltered and concealed areas, hidden from easy space or airborne surveying. Materia is allowing them to research highly portable energy weapons, as well as power the manufacture of vast export wares, including weapons and vehicles. Shin-Ra robotics are advanced, potentially on par with some of the greatest Human technology there is. However, Shin-Ra experimentation into Mako is rumoured to have produced a method of making supersoldiers with enhanced control over Materia, to the point of being able to store energy within themselves to make use of the power it holds directly. There are also rumours of entirely synthetic lifeforms or "chimeras" being made, but the Shin-Ra dismiss these as fanciful tales. The company does operate with little scrutiny from the O-12 at present, the planet still largely unexplored and the Shin-Ra holding exclusive rights for now. With the Materia allowing for highly compact energy sources, the Shin-Ra theoretically hold both the potential for immense wealth and power on their planet, and are rushing to exploit -and secure- as much of it as possible before competitors can muscle in. Their military forces would consist of the following kind of units: Peacekeepers: The basic Shin-Ra trooper from the game, armed with Submachine Guns and Combi-Rifles. The police and defence force of company population centres. Mechanised deployment variants would exist. Scout Rangers: Shin-Ra trooper from the Scouting Sections that perform exploration out in the uncharted wilderness, surveying for Mako streams, and toting Marksman rifles and Contenders to deal with the monster-like wildlife and using camo. However, as other factions have begun covertly moving into Gaia, the Rangers are increasingly facing hostile enemy forces. Scout Dragoons: Troopers riding "Chocobos", large semi-flightless birds that have been domesticated and used for light cavalry purposes. Bred to be able to handle many terrain types, the Dragoons are useful for the scouting mission that the company is performing, as well as providing support to the Rangers. Would be more capable than bikes in some ways able to climb and jump, but Chocobos are S6, and slower. Field Medics and Mechanics: Company employees tasked with healthcare and maintenance. Can ride baggage chocobos. Baggage Chocobo: Chocobos that carry supplies and equipment for the Scout forces, but thanks to their mobility, have value for urban and forest operations over a regular vehicle. Combatant: A REM robot akin to tacbots and the like. Equipped with lighter weaponry and light armour. Mighty Combatant: A Medium Infantry style REM, heavily armed and armoured, but also fairly slow. However, if they sustain enough damage they jettison their main armour and become rapid-moving units. SOLDIER 3rd and 2nd Class: The elite combat unit of the Shin-Ra, rumoured to consist of enhanced soldiers. The more experienced 2nd Class troopers can function as NCOs for Peacekeeper units and are given access to better equipment. Some are trained for airborne deployment to rapidly support scouts. SOLDIER 1st Class: The elite of the elite, only the best SOLDIERs become 1st Class. Sweepers: A number of bipedal combat REMs, including the Death Machine and Missile Sweeper Gunheads: Tracked sentry-style REM drones armed with grenade or missile launchers Guard Scorpions: A TAG style REM. Turks: The Counterespionage section of the company. Can use impersonation and infiltration, as well as Booty to obtain special equipment.
Nice Ideas here, and fun. Im not the best at deep diving to find good fits, but a few did come to mind fairly easily. -Helghast from the Killzone series would be really cool visually on a tabletop, and have abilities that could cross over. -UNSC and or Covenant from Halo, pretty obvious here there are many similar things here that can cross over aswell. -The Chimera from Resistance series, tons of cool weapons and rules like the Auger shooting through walls. -Nortec from Xenoshyft, CB buys out an IP from CMON and makes amazing looking minis, whats not to love. - The Mishima Zaibatsu Tekken Force as a small sectorial could be cool too. Im too lazy to make breakdowns for these factions so if anyone else would like to, go ahead.
A version of Weyland-Yutani would work as a Earth based corporation (NA2) with extensive ties to the Black Labs. Mercs, an assortment of remotes, and a few corporate specialists. Synthetic Medical Officer - Doctor Plus, NWI Synthetic Observer - Doctor/Engineer, NWI Synthetic Infiltrator - Hacking Device Plus, NWI Corporate VP - Chain of Command, Kinematica L1, Free Agent Executive VP- Inspiring Leadership, Veteran L1, LT
With a few replacements from the description from a wikia, here it goes: Cerberus is a human-survivalist paramilitary group led by the enigmatic Illusive Man. Cerberus' core belief is that humans deserve a greater role in the galactic community, and that the O-12 is too hamstrung by law, the Concilium Convention, and public opinion to stand up effectively to the other Impending thread of the Combined Army. Cerberus supports the principle that any methods of advancing humanity's ascension are entirely justified, including illegal or dangerous experimentation, the creation of non-ALEPH aligned artificial intelligences, terrorist activities, sabotage and assassination. Cerberus operatives accept that these methods are brutal, but believe history will vindicate them. Nevertheless, the factions of the Human Sphere, O-12, and Tohaa have declared Cerberus to be a terrorist organization and will prosecute identified Cerberus agents accordingly. Examples of representation in as models. In game they would have various high tech units in a under a non-aligned army. ATLAS Tactical Armored Gear. Phantoms for Ninja equivalents. Troopers can be equivalents to Brawlers. TO Camo Snipers. And some HI that throws out smoke grenades. As well as some MI And some Unit with a shield like the Unknown range (mimetism and +3 ARM) Combat Engineers with TR remotes. They would have a couple of Key characters and I think they'd be pretty set for integrating into the game as one of the "Bad guys" of the NA2 and not be completely game breaking in terms of higher technology or more fantastic magic.
Ghost in the Shell's Section 9 is one obvious transplant. I've been writing army lists along that line for a decade. Works easily in Yu Jing, though the lack of a MI or HI engineer with a big gun makes it hard to do Boma right. The Knight Sabers from Bubblegum Crisis make a pretty good PanO or Nomad force, though you really need super-jumping HI for the ladies. I've also written a list based on Psycho-Pass, which is an excellent fit with the Imperial Service. What my friends and I want to do is incorporate play elements from Human Interface Nakamura Tower and Core Space, where you can have nominally co-operative missions, or events where other forces are run by an AI or a game master. In HINT, the AI in a corporate tower has gone nuts and wants to kill all humans. So one faction's mission is to rescue any employees. Other factions are attempting to raid the place for data/etc. The Nakamura Tower's human security is trying to prevent the raiders from succeeding. And the police are responding to reports of 'shots fired' in full riot power armor. In Core Space, your team has it's mission, and you have random events with Saberhagen-style Berserkers trying to eradicate all life, gangs picking a fight, civilians in trouble, and Galactic Cops responding. All four have an AI to run them.
http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Literature/CassandraKresnov Also something that can be described as some sort of The Expanse meets Ghost in the Shell SAC, removes The Strain but adds some sort of mixed mysterious aliens (on the last book we discover how unique they are...). Political crises included, where The Federation has to change the capital from Earth... Also, Australian author writing about the far future in a very developed colony mainly by hindi. Worth a shot, and while the protagonist touches some Mary Sue parts, she grows and rarely escapes unscathed from the encounters (kinda like the first nine or so Honor Harrington books). Step 1: Asura H+. With better weapons. And sometimes getting onto powered armor (+1W) or even a TAG (Scarface style, STR 2-3...). Step 2: Geckos. At least four (lol) Step 3: "Discount" asuras (WP13-14 proxy mk3/mk4) for the other allied synths. Step 4: Remote Presence enemy troops (Tags, HI) and tons of enemies... (on Infinity I'm limited to Vedic LI list with Asura, Danavas, Posthuman, Devas and some Dakinis and thorakitai). I am salivating... XD Also, the Expanse has already 2 trailers for the Season 3. Which is another kinda interesting source, but they are more RPG-y than tabletop.