On stealth the third paragraph sais: However, if the second Short Skill of the Order is any non-Movement Skill, then those enemies can react normally in ARO. Now, it is my understanding that if I declare a dodge ( a short skill with movement keyword ) I would not break out of stealth. Someone would disagree with that saying that you can only do Idle, Move or Discover, because those are Short Movement Skills. I disagree saying that if that was the intent the rule would have probably be more like this: However, if the second Short Skill of the Order is not a Short Movement skill, then those enemies can react normally in ARO. So, can you declare dodge without provoking aro? Thanks.
Seems to be a slight gap in the rules logic specific to the sentence you quote. The bullet point prior to that one is :: If the user declares a Short Movement Skill or Cautious Movement within the Zone of Control of one or more enemies and stays outside their LoF, he does not grant AROs to those enemies Dodge is neither a Short Movement Skill nor the Cautious Movement Skill. Combine this with the All At Once rule found here: https://infinitythewiki.com/Trooper_Activation Which essentially gives that you're performing Dodge in all of your movement, that is to say you're performing a skill that is not a Short Movement Skill nor the Cautious Movement Skill inside the opponent's ZoC. (Similar to how shooting at your trooper at a point before you declared dodge will still allow you to face to face the shot)
I don't understand how the things you are talking about interact. The first bullet point is talking about the skill in general... the second point is talking specifically about the second one. So if I declare a move and dodge i need to do my check: as per first bullet point, did I declare a short movemet skill as my first order? YEs is the second Short Skill of the Order any non-Movement Skill? No, because it is a skill with movement in his keyword. If it's the way you intend it, what is the need of that point? It feels superfluos. It's allready stated in the first point that if you do anything that is not a SMS or Cautios you create an ARO.
The bullet point you quoted is an addendum or explanation to the bullet point just prior to it. If you break the first bullet point by declaring a Short Skill or an Entire Order skill that is not Cautious Movement, then the second bullet point doesn't matter.
Mmmmh I get what you mean, and I get that everyone plays is that way, it's still a very badly written rule and generates confusion. I still can't get away of the fact that for me writing non-Movement instead of Short Movement skill like on part one seems intentional, or dumb, one of the two =D