I was initially thinking it would have tiny triangular wolf ears but you got me picturing some floppy hound dog ears. Thank you!
I hope for a no ears version. Something like Tiger Soldier head - a clean design where you clearly see inspiration but it's not overdone with too many details.
Given the seemingly flat sides and the clean angles on the head, if there are ears I'd be willing to bet they'll be easy to clip and and sand off at least. Be prepared for some jokes about ear cropping and animal cruelty at the table.
I can live with ears. As long as you can see it is only a mechanical resemplance to the wolf. Judging from the artwork I think it clearly differs from the Guijia. Also interesting in the picture is the winter-zhanshi with HMG. Maybe we got a SWC box of this cool guys. Too sad they are AVA 4 only in WB.
Going to approach this one with a bit of caution. It could end up being really cool, or just as lame. On the one hand, I want something a bit more interesting and visually district than an S6 Su Jian, but on the other I don't want to go full mecha furry. I'm also hoping for a melee-based pose. Partially to represent that CC23, but mostly because I'm just really tired of painting YJ Spitfires on everything.
Guns are the last thing I paint on a miniature because it's the least interesting part. Unless they shake things up a lot - which I doubt they will - the Bluewolf is primarily a mid-range shooting TAG. It's mediocre in melee due to lacking damage output for such an expensive miniature and its CC is similarly fairly low meaning not only are CC monsters dangerous to take on, but also half of all HI and almost all TAGs represent a very real danger of flunking a roll and taking several STR damage. I've brought them into melee a couple of times, mostly as a reactive turn precaution, where they didn't impress. Primarily I think the CC value is there as a precaution. It prevents opponents from using silly tying-up tactics or (in N4 much reduced) Electric Pulse on it. With all that negativity out of the way, it is a beast of a gun fighter once you get out of your DZ.
СС package on wolf is good against things like TO troopers in cover that are in your way (not Oni/Ninjas of course) You can force them to dodge against flamer but they are likely to succeed, while CC attack is a rough FTF to roll
IT seems to have a tail or an EVA like cable on his back. Edit, ok it looks like a cable for the flamethrower.
Yes. If you can reach the target, if that doesn't take you the wrong way for what you need to do in subsequent orders, if you can't get an angle where they don't have cover and you do (where you will be at break even), and most importantly if you don't take additional ARO that are more threatening. AP Spitfire B5 vs Dodge is fairly close to DA CCW vs BSG in success chance while Heacy Flamer vs BSG (hit mode) carries fairly acceptable risks at 33% compared to the 55% that the flamer has of annihilating the Croc Razor Zero. CC is at a useful level, not saying otherwise, but it should never be treated as a primary weapon for this excellent shooter unit. It is a tertiary weapon, as the situation dictates, only slightly less useful than the flamer because of the lower reach, inability to "Discover" and high-roller nature.
I knew he was going to look cool but I still can't see myself buying it for a long time if ever. Every time I finally have the money for something like a TAG, i end up buying a box set of multiple guys instead.
HB TAG has almost the same stats and weapons as the Blue Wolf, minus all the CC, at 58 points. Wonder if that means Blue Wolf will go down in price or if there's going to be more to justify the 20 30 extra points...