in gona elaborate some about Book , and then books , then game from Westwod (a lost gem of industry) and Movis - both of them ;) but at first i will post a rant about Bladerunner 2049 sad part is he is pointing a lot of correct things as i recently rewatched this move and things i do not like jumps way higher then at first watch. and i must admit Natural City is not a bad move ;) So let me start :) if you read a book - it is not a spoiler for the Move and vice verse - they are losly based but if you read a lot of questions is explained in a devious way (huge spoiler ) Human Decard feel nothing for serial produced Reichel replicants / so if in the move he is in to her .. well he is an replicant like Ridley Scot stated this - if you have played Westwood game - and happend to get an human Mc Coy character (yes when you start New Game all characters in game get randomised origin including main character ) you may get a strange info on radio - about two more Skin jobs running away from Tyrel corporation (and yes in time this game was canon and events in it are one day before bladerunner events then same day - yes you may bump in to a Decard asking about snake scale and then a ~12 h later after elevator scene at the end of move ) but back to the book : Book is a story completly about different things then move - and im not gona spoil it (beside thing i already spoiled ) - both ask same questiuon - what is to be a human but in compleatly different way and context - Go Read this damn Book or Audio book ! - is an order (if you already done this - Good Job Citizen !! ;) ) and there are other Books by K. W. Jeter .. and i need a brake to write something about them as it is not easy ;P) (and there was a TV show Bladerunner .. im gona write about it to :) ) so what your opinion - Bladerunner 2049 hit or flop ? or neither ??
you caind of need to c this first : without this at lest 20% of things in move have no sence - they talk about thous events but never show it or worst they reference to a consequences of events not shown in the move - or stright a conecting events to the one shown in this move. you will c 2:30h move with alot of amazing real life props and efect made in a good old way - thous parts are damn good i will write a lot more about this move but this year seams to be a year of confused moves - STar Wars Lustful Jedi - this move do not know what it whant to be and is quite random Blade Runner 2049 - should be a Film Noir but quite fast escape for some random cringe explanation and miss the point of game of light and shadows in typical Noir themed move never less you will not gona get bored this 2:30 h will feel like 90 min move ;)
so the books :) Dick is a must one - and ther is plenty of ideas not used bu cinematography yet - dunno why - good part Game by Westwood explore thous ideas ;) Blade Runner 2: The Edge of Human by Jeter .. - is bad (ok at best medicore ) it is not part 2 of the Dicks book it is part 2 of move - fun fact it started as a screan play for a planed sequel that never happend and BR 2049 is not based on ideas in this book - i read this one long time ago only good idea i found there is return of Roy Betty - not a replcant a real one Roy Betty on whom rest of the models got based on ,and you meat Sarah - an Tyrel nice - the one Reychel line was based on - book lacks a lot - touch it only if you are mega fan and what could go in other way if orginal Bladerunner move whas a succes not a flop it was at day one. Blade Runner 3: Replicant Night - again i read this one .. but it was hard and long ago - Fun fact plot line from this was used in bladerunner 2049 ! (well part of it as action took place on Mars and Decard is main hero ) - again read only on your own resposibility Blade Runner 4: Eye and Talon - this is fuck fest never menage to finish it get stuck half way there - there is move made that describe action of first bladereuner and Decard is an advisor - adicionaly plot evolves about replicants getting fertile when far away from earth and how Tyrel was a genious and hid his secrets in Owl (ye The Owl ) and ther is about a plot that got skiped du to to long development process in Bladerunner - about Tyrel as a Replicant of actual Tyrel who found a way to transfer his mind to empty shell and became somhow immortal in this way - and other corporations fight for remains of Tyrel orginal technology - you may find all of thous books reviued on YT or even full audio books - mostly not worthy - the thing is all of them was designed as a screanplaY FOR MOVE - SO YOU MAY FIND IN net storyboards or concept scetches - som of them interestin - and part of the plot from books got included in TV series Bladrunner - called Total Recall 2070 - yes this is the name of other Dick move - but series is a mix of Total recal and Bladerunner but on this topic next time :)
I read 2 and 3 many years ago when they were released. They were shite. They didn't get a permanent spot on my bookshelf - I think they went into a box that got "donated" on a charity drive. Whoever ended up with them has my sympathies, but I didn't want to keep them.
i usualy own books that i read - thous particular ones by Jeter are not in my colection .. ;) but other interesting thing a beggining of 2049 is actual never used begining from orginal bladeruner scrypt in which Decard brake in to a vilage house and w8 on owner when stew is on fire - when man comes, ask him for if he would like a soup - and Decard just kills him - and famous Intro text pop in - well we never get this got scraped by Cameron. and i caind of wonder it was a good decision to reintroduce this back to the move ? Roy betty - Nexus 6 , Batista Nexus 8 - Guess who is /was nexus 7 ;) (K is Nexus 9 )
Oh, it's in the serial# on the bones. Along with the incept date and phys/mental rating. The mother of the child is at least part Samsung. :D