Bhai University to be designated as a Humanitarian Aid Center

Discussion in 'IC [In-Character]' started by theGricks, Oct 2, 2023.

  1. theGricks

    theGricks Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2017
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    To all Nations,

    Bhai University has been designated by Waqf al-Badawi as a refugee and aid center. Haqqislam High Command and the Hachib wish to let all nations know that attacking the Campus or any of the marked and/or designated vehicles traveling within the airspace with the Red Crescent are aid vehicles. Bhai University and its campus is a designated non-combat zone, and would like to seek recognition of this status from O-12 (@Lady Numiria) and the Oberhaus.

    Any actions taken upon or into the Bhai University campus will be deemed actions against humanitarian aid workers and non-combatants. These individuals or nations will be charged thus under International Law in the Oberhaus. Further The Sword of Allah will be making it a priority to ensure the safety and security of those under its care, and will defend against any operations within or around Bhai with extreme prejudice.

    Officer of Haqqislam High Command
    Voice of the Hachib
  2. theGricks

    theGricks Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2017
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  3. Pander22

    Pander22 Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Can you make any comment on the potential incursion of CA forces in the region?

    Ariadna would be happy to aid in any humanitarian effort as we evacuate and secure our workers in okolnir but my sources indicate the region as being one of the most hostile in the region?

    My agents on the ground have already intercepted shasvasti speculos we believe on route to the region

    Agent Tr Pander
    Black Sky Operations - Ariadna
    Wizzy likes this.
  4. Lady Numiria

    Lady Numiria Cyberius TaskForce

    Sep 12, 2019
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    This seems like fine paperwork (don't forget to send us required declarations 152.X and 87D-58 too), you may proceed Commander.
    Wizzy and theGricks like this.
  5. theGricks

    theGricks Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2017
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    We have seen some Combined Army movement, but it appears to be focused around control of the quantum field containment devices. No offensive actions have been noted at this time. Haqqislam High Command does appreciate the provided intelligence though, and thanks out Ariadnan allies for such diligence. We will be sure the Ariadnan workers will be provided habitation in close proximity to increase comfort. Please submit to Waqf-al-badi any instructions to help increase comfort such as dietary requests and extra-curricular equipment.

    Thank you,
    Wizzy likes this.
  6. Errhile

    Errhile A traveller on the Silk Road

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Waqf al-Badawi has prepared facilites at the Bhai University Campus, we can receive refugees there.
    We are also ready to provide transport from reception points / forward aid stations near to the borders of Haqq-controlled territory.

    As a rule, the Waqf does not operate outside of Haqq territory. Therefore, civillians have, regretfully, to make their way out of Okolnir by other means.
    I'd suggest declaring a humanitarian corridor from Okolnir to the borders of Bhai. Also, it would be advisable to organize an evacuation, using available civillian vehicles, like buses.

    In case of an emergency, Waqf al-Badawi has at its disposal a single Roc-class aeroorbital shuttle, outfitted and registered as a medical vehicle. It can be deployed at your request, though please consider the use of this resource very carefully: we have only one such craft.

    Should Ariadna Command on Concilium wish to pledge any assets toward Waqf al-Badawi, it would be greatly appreciated.
    Lady Numiria, Wizzy and theGricks like this.
  7. Dujiaoshu

    Dujiaoshu unsporting Druze

    Mar 22, 2023
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    To the kind attention of Officier theGricks

    According to the terms of the Concilium Convention, attachment VI paragraph 7 codes 12 through 17 and code 77, following your declaration of the humanitarian aid designated area in Bhai, I am contacting you on behalf of the mercenary networking and coordination company -Lt.Cuddles' Peacemeakler Corps-, in order to offer our availability to transfer civilians to your custody following their evacuation and rescue.

    According to the contract(s) currently signed and ongoing with our company and the Mercenary Capitains involved, we have a large number of non-JSA citizens in need of help which are outside the purview of our scope of work, but cannot be left unevacuated.

    We are offering, free of charge of course, the service of evacuating all non-JSA citizens along with the JSA citizens we are contracted to evacuate. This will of course create the problem as per Concilium convention Attachment XII paragraph 2 ("Roaming civilians clause")

    In order to resolve the issue, please have the attached offer, for the service of ensuring said civilains' safety and well being. Said offer enables you, as per your declaration of humanitarian aid, to collect the civilians at our premises in New Bergen (Okolnir greater urban area) for a small fee each, which will be strictly used to fund the expenses of medical checkup, food, and board for said civilians while under our care.

    Please send the offer back signed ASAP, so we can immediately start preparing the civilians for transport . We shall give ready-for-pickup notices through an encrypted channel of your choosing.

    My very best regards
    Junior Sales representative
    Sam Seek
    Offer for purchase of service.PNG
    Lady Numiria and Wizzy like this.
  8. theGricks

    theGricks Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2017
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    To the honorable @Dujiaoshu,

    I will direct you to the representative of Waqf al-Badawi for logistical purposes, @Errhile.

    Thank you for your assistance in ensuring civilian safety!

    Wizzy likes this.
  9. Errhile

    Errhile A traveller on the Silk Road

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Esteemed representative Sam Seek @Dujiaoshu

    we are not able to contract a PMC to operate in our name in a foreign territory.

    Please remember that - in accordance with International Humanitarian Law, which I'm sure you are deeply familiar with - caring for the civillians, as well as providing them with essential goods and services (including food, water and similar) is the obligation of whatever armed force and national entity is in control of a given territory. Whether a given entitiy is internationally recognized ruler of the given territory, or occupying force, is - in the light of IHL - irrelevant.

    At this very moment, the authority in control over Okolnir is PanOceania.

    I can suggest you the following solutions to your issue:
    1. Evacuate the NA2 civillians along the JSA civillians to your destination, as per your contract with JSA. Given you are offering us to transport them, this implies you have the transport capability.
    2. Provide the refugees with transport to a Waqf al-Badawi aid station in Bhai. We'll receive them there and organize a transport to the refugee camp at the University Campus.
    3. Contact locally operating NGOs for their assistance in caring for the foreign nationals. I'd suggest either the Red Cross, or the lay branch of the Order of St. John.
    4. Contact PanOceanian military authorities: as already mentioned, civillians are their responsibility. I believe the Order of the Hospital would, likely, be most sympathetic to your problem.
    I hope you'll be able to solve the problme to your satisfaction.

    With kindest regards,

    Director of Waqf al-Badawi,
    Bhai University Campus, Concilium.
    theGricks and Wizzy like this.
  10. Dujiaoshu

    Dujiaoshu unsporting Druze

    Mar 22, 2023
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    Esteemed Director @Errhile

    I thank you kindly for your time and consideration on the matter, and for your detailed response.

    As senior Sales representative at Lt.Cuddles' Peacemaker Corps, I'm stepping in over my junior associate in this matter.

    I would ask for a little bit more of your time in order to clarify some unfortunate misunderstandings, first of which is, we are not a PMC, rather a contact and information broker. This does not impact pur conversation currently, but top management feels it's a very important distinction.

    Furthermore I'd like to clarify we were not proposing to bring you refugees extracted from Okolnir, per se, but rather, refugees that we would evacuate from each and every QAZ we would send forces into, alongside the JSA citizens we are contracted to retrieve. The Okolnir designation stems from the location of our local HQ, which is NewBergen, just outside the Okolnir QAZ.

    Moving the above mentioned civilians out of any QAZ and into JSA refugees camps would raise the problem of transference of responsability, thus we are not able to move said civilians into the same camps where we will put JSA citizens, by veto of our client.

    Our proposal was to organize a "transport back" to our HQ in NewBergen, but that's where out budget wears thin, hence the commercial offer you received from us.

    Given the limited scope of our resources, following your response we have no choiche but let civilians free once out of the QAZ, each under the responsability of their own governing bodies.

    I will nonetheless keep a commercial offer open for you, regarding missing persons. Our Druze contracts have some authorized personnel able to retrieve cubes from dead civilians, therefore you can direct queries regarding missing persons to us, so we can check the recovered cubes. The cubes, once found, shall be delivered free of charge, of course, but the recovery of the information will have a technical and operational cost of 75 BitCreds per cube, for they would not technically be in our possession. You can refer to me directly on my private Maya account for any details.

    My very best regards
    Senior Sales Representative
    Isabella Parabat

    [OOC] what I'm trying to do is I'm trying to plant elements for anyone to use for their own narrative if they want (I will use them in my narrative batreps of course). I have no bigger plan in mind, I'm just putting narrative elements out, please call me out if I'm out of line.
    Wizzy likes this.
  11. Errhile

    Errhile A traveller on the Silk Road

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Esteemed Senior Sales Representative, Ms. Isabella Parbat,

    Thank you for clarifying the matter.

    Please understand that given the state supervision over our operation, as well as the source of the majority of our assets and volunteers, contracting a third party to perform any operations outside of Haqq-controlled territories would be seen as a thinly-veiled attempt to broaden Haqqislam's sphere of influence, or false-flag operation. Doubly so if the third party would be an independent military contractor. This, in turn, would put the safety of our charges at risk.
    Which we can by no means afford, for it would jeopardize our mission.

    However, I understeand your concern for the civillians you aren't able to evacuate beyond your current destination. I shall reach out to the warring parties at Okolnir, and attempt to negotiate a humanitarian corridor out of the area. Inshallah, even a transport.

    In the meantime I'd ask you to prepare detailed coordinates for where the civilians in question are currently located.

    In case of missing persons, please be advised that Waqf al-Badawi is a local initiative, and we lack the scope to properly handle this problem. We are collecting the data from the refugees that do come into our care - however, these data are passed over to the specialized International Red Cross and Red Crescent structures.
    I'd strongly suggest Lt.Cuddles' Peacemaker Corps do the same with the Cubes that turn into your custody, if their origin cannot be determined - and contacting the relevant nation of citizenship otherwise.

    With kindest regards,

    Director of Waqf al-Badawi,
    Bhai University Campus, Concilium.

    [OOC]: I see where you are going, but I'm approaching it from the POV of a nation-affiliated humanitarian NGO, which is permannetly short on money (as they always are), and which has to tread carefully in the poitical quagmire each conflict is. [/OOC]
    #11 Errhile, Oct 4, 2023
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2023
    Wizzy and Dujiaoshu like this.
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