When you enter in Infinity some of the first things in getting your attention are TAGs. Impressive and amazing models, but we also find other troops in big bases as REMs or Heavy Infantries. Those models are so special that need their own annual poll to check them and chose our favorite one. Let's see what Corvus have brought us this year: • Kriza Borac (MK12) “As far back as I can remember, I always wanted to be a gangster, a gangster in a big heavy armor” Ray, member of Kriza Boracs, Tunguska Crisis Special Unit. • Tarik Mansuri (Spitfire) What if Steve Rogers would have been born in Haqqislam… In XXII century… Without a shield…? You know what I mean. • Blackjacks, 10th Heavy Ranger Bat. (T2 Sniper Rifle) Remember your jokes in CB snipershots? He is here to kill them. Some will say that it’s oversized, but hey! this is USAriadna: We oversize your problems and reduce your life. • Taskmaster, Bakunin SWAST Team (Red Fury/HRL) “And when two Taskmasters love each other, a huggable crazy koala was born and then explode in the face of our enemies” Bakunin folktale. • Andromeda, Sophistes of the Steel Phalanx (Submachine gun) You were waiting for this miniature for a long time, some love her and others hate her, but we all want to see beautiful cats in the models… wait, is it a dog? • Avatar (Best November release) The only one capable to defeat “Orleans Maiden”. Just to see it some of you would give up Human Sphere to hug the EI. • Szalamandra Squadron (Best December release) The other biggest guy on the list. With its long tail, its burning flamethrower, its very big cannon… Is it me or is it hot here?
Szally for president! Too bad she has lost her old flavour, but that is her only counterpart. The exchange-weapons mechanism is f*cking cool. Ps: Yes, Szally is "she", not "it" :p.
Perhaps it's the scheme... maybe the position... but now that I have'em all together, I'm surprisingly going with the Taskmaster....
The new design for the avatar isn't really my cup of tea, so my vote goes to szally, even paintjob on that one is a lot better.
Personally, I'd like to vote all 3 nomads models, but the choice can only be one, so, Szally for me .
I'm not even a nomad player but the Kriza and Szally are both the best. It so hard to pick one but the Pano player in me picks the TAG. lol
Yeah I struggled between the Avatar and the Szally, but yeah the Szalamandra won it for me. I do love the Kriza too.
As much hate as tactical "rocks" get, I actually think the tactical Gorgos made the Avatar so much better for me. Looking at the first picture on the table, that pose is just so intimidating... HMG down, hand clenched in a fist, foot extinguishing the last vestiges of life from the Gorgos as it's "skull" is crushed. That said, the Szalzy is an exquisite model. Gorgeously detailed and the paint job is amazing. It really was tough. Hell, the only two I didn't even consider for a second were Tariq and Andromeda. All the others had something going for them.
This one was tough. Normally I like more down-to-earth techy stuff, but some weird decisions kept me doubting about Blackjacks. Szally, however, is basically perfect for what it is. But I must admit it was partially a paintjob that made it for me.
Fat Yuan Yuan. The one using his jump pack. Try fitting that mini onto a 25mm base. Not even joking. Oh, Sally then. Blackjack loses out because of that over the shoulder weapon. Don't like it on any mini. (especially the Dragões)
This one is easy: Szally beats them all! Very, very cool design and beautiful gun! Love it. And I probably buy it and paint my non-corregidor-nomads to form a list around it. Place two and three are Nomads too :-D The Taskmaster catches me and I like the weapon options. For the Borac I don´t like that he look like the comic reference to bane ... (or I am wrong here?). But he look pretty bulky, impressive and dangerous. Avatar is pretty impressiv. Some people say he lost personality and yes I think this true a bit, but impressiv anyway. I not look close to his backside, his lower back is not covered ... I mean, you are the omnipotent overloard of united alien races and you go out with butt free? Okay he has a tail too ... The Primarch of Haqqislam looks impressive too, but I don´t like big guys without armour, that could be an exoskeleton. Andromeda herself looks pretty and cool. Nice sculpt. But her pet - no, no - it is too stiff, the front legs look antomical wrong and ... no too much edges, even as a robot it look not good. The Black Jack. For me it is to top and side heavy. Walking heap of junk. But I don´t play Ariadna anyway.