As of a week or two ago, when I go to print lists from the army website it spreads things out across multiple pages in weird ways (see image). The only way I can get it to not do this is to scale it back to like ~85%, which makes things difficult (or at least annoying) to read. I've tried various "tricks" with sizing and layout and get middling results. Also tried a different browsers with same results.
I had the same issue, on MS Edge. Scaling it down didn't work for me. Sometimes by pure luck you can scale it to a point where it doesn't do it, but then you print another list and that scale doesn't work. I happened to switch to Firefox this week for unrelated reasons, and it prints fine. So it seems to be a bug that affects Chromium based browsers but not Gecko based browsers, maybe.
That helped... sort of :) Firefox the list prints right, but now the ranges won't print in color (only B&W/all white). So right now I'm printing the list in Firefox and the Weapons in Chrome... but hey it works-ish! Thanks QG
I also reported it in the "Army Bug" thread yesterday. There are also other 2 problems appeared almost at the same time: 1) Range band don't toggle from B/W to Colors 2) Range over 48" are displayed on two rows