Title. When choosing "Send Lists" in OTM, there are lists missing, which I believe haven't been synced yet. I've tried to log out and in again as well as refresh both OTM and Army, still to no avail. Has anyone experienced something similar? help
Server saved. I tested between the Army mobile app and opening the Army in my computer's browser: lists can be loaded in both.
Apparently, having the ITS CSU and/or ITS Bashi Bazouk disallows the lists to show up as legal choices. Once they are removed, the lists show in the "Send Lists" as normal.
Uh...? Well, I guess lucky you. As soon as I add one of them (or both) the list becomes ineligible. I've tried with several others and the behaviour is consistent.
I have the exact same problem, it doesn't load the lists with the additional pieces, but only if they have a green tick...
I see, I have not encountered that issue because I do not add the seasonal mercs on the lists I submit.
My "Assign lists" does not display lists with reinforcements. Perhaps this is the same problem. No one in my community can attach reinforcement lists to the tournament.