At this time, Haqqislam forces appear to have secured the Xaraks Batteries and have installed Qapu Khalqi naval officers to oversee battery operations. Medical screenings are being set up at various checkpoints overseen be our Akbar Doctor Corp. As we conduct screenings we ask again for Ariadnan cooperation, and we ask for O-12 representatives to assist as a secondary screening. While our medical personel are undoubtedly the best in this field, O-12 has access to technology that we do not. The assistance would be appreciated. As we conduct these screening we will provide all findings to O-12 and Ariadnan Expedition Corp leadership for review. Thank you and may Allah guide you. Inshallah, theGricks Haqqislam High Command
Sounds like these doctors are trying to probe us. No way Doc, you have to shoot me first before I lower my pants!