Hello, dear friends! I'm speaking on behalf of Trident Sentinels, officers of the Tohaa Trident. We were fighting with the CA invaders primarily on the battlefields of Paradizo Hell. But we've received an emergency call to action to discover and destroy hidden Shasvastii nest in the Novyy Bangkok. I have to bring you news of extreme importance! During our investigation we have discovered a sly Shasvastii plot to detonate Xaraks Battery: Ammo Module to destroy the planetoid's defenses, severely damage the Pakngein Nbis Spaceport and escape from our blockade in the following chaos and confusion. Needless to say, that shall they execute this hellish plot, not only Batteries and Spaceport would lie in ruin, there will be countless casualties among the civilians in the Spaceport area and all the personal, operating near the Xaraks Battery. We have tried to reach you with the words, but they have been ignored. And worse yet, you continue hoarding mountains of munitions and explosives at the warehouses. Ariadnans even packed the whole store with T2 ammunition. It's like you purposefully making a greatest bomb that Human Edge have ever seen. And all the Great Powers of the Human Sphere are too busy fighting each over. That's why we decided to speak in person with the commanders on the ground. And the first one that we've encountered was a Morat soldier crudely posing as a Wulver Grenadier and operating in the broad daylight in the Ammo Module! This sight was so infuriating and insulting to the memory of all the Caledonia soldiers that fought with us on the Paradizo that we couldn't contain ourselves until every last Morat was executed. I've just returned from the fields and I'm not very good with the papers so I'll ask you to wait for a detailed report of this encounter later. After we've exterminated the E.I. lackeys we tried to reach out to the first 'human' commander we could find. It was lieutenant Viktor Bondarenko from the Tartary Army Corps. We were sending the customary peace signals on the communication channels when we tried to approach him. But before we could talk he have ordered to open fire on us! Tragically, I have to admit that both sides suffered heavy losses in the following firefight. After AEC forces retreated from their positions we went to collect the cubes from our fallen brethren. Investigation of the corpse of lieutenant Viktor Bondarenko proved our worst fears, he was actually a... Speculo Agent! Remains of this Speculo was collected as an evidence and kept in the frozen state. Report of this encounter written by the TAC officer, available here: https://asteroidblues.warconsole.com/battles/ctpayc-vs-lion-tremere-1569260736#report This events left us no choice. Only a full scale operation at the Ammo Module will prevent Shasvastii from executing their hellish scheme. Please make no mistakes, we are not accusing anyone, a Speculo can steal identity from any human. Ariadnans are our battle brothers, we fought together on the Paradizo against an endless hordes of the Combined armies. And when a friend is sick, it's the other friends duty to tell him that and try to save him. I would also like to remind that we hold no bases and have no interest of our own on this rock, we're just conducting an investigation. Please cooperate with us and provide your assistance in defending the Ammo against the Shasvastii incursion and with rooting out the hidden Speculo agents. We will always try to approach you with an open arms, even if it means getting shot first. But unfortunately we lack the peacekeeping munitions of the O-12, so if our inspectors are fired upon we would have no choice but to fire back. Of cause O-12 forces are more than welcome to join us in the investigation and will be checked themselves in the process. Remember, soldiers, always stay vigilant! If upon the sight of your friendly Tohaa soldiers approaching, your commander suddenly hisses, his mouth wide open and he shouts "Shoot, shoot the damn aliens!!" in a strangely high-pitched voice, then he's probably a speccie. You are best to detain him until further investigation. Remember, following a criminal order makes yourself a criminal! It's a dangerous job! But don't worry, our human friends, even if you are riddled with speculas and sepsitorized/bribed traitors, we are here for you! That's what friends are for! P.S. If some party have some additional intel on the events of the Deadalus Gates, please contact our representatives immediately, great rewards awaits. No Truth remains hidden forever, no enemies shall escape the wrath of the Trident! P.P.S. On a side note, our supplies of Socar are dwindling. So if some of our friends from the Dawn would like to trade some of their high quality booze, we can exchange it for some viral... khm. I mean O-12's approved vitamin munition rounds! Trident Sentinels warchief GloriousEND transmitted by Lion Tremere, Herald of the Trident.
༼;´༎ຶ ༎ຶ ༽ Such a poignant testimony, a great Tohaa, the pride of the armies of the Tohaa-Human Sphere alliance.
IMPOSSIBLE! Ariadna had withdrew from the Ammo Module at the request of O-12 forces once they had sufficient strength to hold the base, as noted in the above communique from the AEC Command. Also noted is that any force that takes action against this base is a direct assault on O-12. The Tohaa have claimed that that Ariadnans were infiltrated by the Shasvaasti, however their story doesnt make any sense. There were no more Ariadnans at the base which means that the Tohaa either staged the entire operation to discredit the work of the AEC, or that the Shasvaasti are conducting a campaign of trickery and mistrust to weaken the alliances of the Human Sphere. Either way, Ariadna will not take lightly to this blatant act of lies and defamation! Captain927 Caledonian SAS
You had orders, and we were soft accepting our help without conditions earlier in this conflict. You shown us, not one time, but two times that you were untrustworthy in that regard. O-12 is not happy and actions will be made in that order. Expect our finest Peacekeeping "Diplomacy". Lady Numiria O-12 Head Advisor
There's a saying for this. "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me." The O-12 should remember these words. *shakes head* You had one job. Ariadna has warned of the Tohaa many times. They have always been untrustworthy.
Greetings Lady Numiria, I would like to clarify who your statement is directed towards. I presume it is the Tohaa as the AEC was relieved by O-12 forces. However, the statement is not clear as to whom you are referring. I apologize for my confusion in this regard. I simply desire to avoid any misunderstandings. Respectfully, Major Thomas Williams USAMC
As the High Commissioner of O-12, I can say with utmost confidence Lady Numiria's response is directed at the Tohaa occupiers
Many thanks High Commissioner. That is what I believed and am relieved I did not make a complete fool of myself. This will also ensure that Lady Numiria's words cannot be twisted by the Tohaa for their own ends.
Yes, sorry about that. It seems that my comlog lagged a bit, sorry (you know, Maya networks aren't really good as they are on NeoTerra here).
[Off-screen just wringing his hands and re-reading the employment offer from the Spiral Corps.] Brave Sentinels of the Tohaa Trident, I understand that our communications have not been fully re-established after Daedalus' Fall, but did you not receive the official order from Field Marshal Engoorn to leave those investigations to the Human O-12 Council? If you need help with turnover documents or with finding lost Kaeltar, I am most willing to lend assistance. Lady Numiria of the O-12, I will understand your reticence to forgive. We offer no acceptable excuses, but respectfully ask for patience. The Tohaa still suffer great emotional pain from what has proven to be an intense and devastating tragedy at Daedalus, and sometimes it manifests in these difficulties in communication. Many of us are now like Sakiel, impetuous when acting against Combined Army movements, not thinking beyond wetting their spears with Shasvastii or Morat blood. It is an evolving situation, but not one meant with disrespect. Specialist Einhorn, reporting from the Tohaa Jiyuan Blockade
Howdy captain, Both these encounters occurred this weekend before your decision to withdrew was made. But I glad for you! Keep yourself and your men safe, we need them at the Paradizo as always. "You had orders" Trident officer honestly looked puzzled, until he laughed loudly. I'm sorry, what? Orders? As far as I know Trident Sentinels answers only to the joint Trident command back in the Paradizo and to our warchief GloriousEND here at the Novyy Bangkok. We are operating according to the Trident-Öberhaus act of protection, clause 16 “Protection and proactive actions in case of possible Shasvastii incursions”. In case of Shasvastii incursions, area should be isolated and joint field team of Trident and Allied soldiers go through the area with screening and search and destroy missions to eliminate any embryo-seeds. We made countless such operations at the Paradizo, I don’t see why it should be different here. Anyway, if you have any complaints you can send them through the usual diplomatic channels. Now on topic of "diplomacy". I'm just a soldier, so I don't have a knack for diplomacy. On the Paradizo I've learnt two type of diplomacies. "After the battle we go together to the bar" kind of diplomacy. And Morat's kind of diplomacy. And the latter one is usually quite a short-lived one. As I didn't meet any of the Bureau Aegis soldiers fighting on the battlefields of Paradizo, I don’t really know your type, but of cause you are welcome to try out your kind of Peacekeeping "Diplomacy".
Patience has already been given and consumed. Now it's time for real acts, and I hope this APB will make it clear to the Tohaa Trident.
Your recent proclamation is quite clear, and I must admit that I appreciate how straightforward it is. Just one reminder: as you keep an eye out for Sentinels, don't forget that we are also looking for Shasvastii.
@Lion Tremere , in the light of this unfolding situation, the Funduq Sultanate is sending Trident Sentinels its assessment of the situation. The Sultan has instructed me to rerassure you, he doesn't leave his allies out to dry.
While you arguing in a courts, many good mens & womens dies on a fields of battle in Novyy Bangkok. Fighting with real enemy i must admit. if you lack of evidence here - i have another one proof about EI itself & his troops concerned about Xaraks batterys Fields. Hope This huge evidencess would be enought for O-12? *shows TAG Raicho captured during last operation*
Dear Commander, while I am very shocked to see the ennemy able to deploy such units now, I wonder how it cames on this Asteroid without any troubles? Given the only entry point is the current Haqqislam-based spaceport, which is heavily lend by you to your shadowy private corp friends, I would suggest to clean your own rug before providing such proofs in front of O-12, specially when your Nation is not in good relations with the Commission.
Because Liberty Cargo's bulk-shipping facilities can not, of course, receive any cargo, yes? Dear Comissioner, again you are emplying the principle that "if facts do not fit my theory, ignore the facts"...
I have my own reasons for not suspecting a thing about Liberty Cargo, and I can ensure you they can't be seriously considered a threat when it comes to Combined Shavastii infiltration.
You have been set up as a representative for an interplanetary oganization. Your "reasons" are not for you to "own". But, inshallah, Oberhaus will take you and your actions, to say nothing of these "reasons" under its scrutiny at the nearest session.