Jesus Christ please touch some grass
Yes, BS 13 alone is not good at shooting
I'd say that great link options is like... can they slot easily into links with other good or cheap units that fulfil useful roles? Karrhu...
My problem with Sekban is that they cost quite a lot of points but aren't good at shooting and have 1W That they all come with NCO is not good...
Karrhu are great because they can go anywhere and mean you can always take a really elite shooter. Pure core is something they don't need, which...
For 1 W minis to be useful they need to fulfil the following, the more they have the better. 1) are they elite gunfighters? 2) Do they have...
There's nothing in QK that needs a nerf lol
It's the lack of gunfighting and lack of close assault and general agedness imo. Some things are good. Janns, Hafza, Al'Hawwa, Bashis, Burtuk,...
Well CB re-releasing QK, clearly
No but I'm just sort of trying to start a discussion really
I'm begging you Carlos Belli :(
I.e be NCA or SAA or Varuna or...
I mean what discussion really
Expensive 1 W troops need to have excellent ftf ability and mobility to work. But when they do they're good; Karrhu anyone? Even Grenzer...
Today my opponent critted me, in ARO, several times. In key ftf rolls too. To put it lightly, this total bullshit. I think they shouldn't be...
Yeah I'm done with this one, enjoy
There isn't a consistent BS system that works like that come on now
I'm not going to lie this whole line of argument seems... bizarre
Kriza should get 6-2 and BS Attack (-3) and ideally a MULTI Rifle and HFT (Specialist Operative) profile
No it isn't. Your reasoning is that it is "inconsistent" and "schizophrenic" for them to be different depending on unit. Its inconsistent for BS...