What is the ATEK side?
I am looking to secure my models in a plastic box with an army tray. Does anyone know of any companies that sale plastic or mdf trays with cut out...
What do people currently use as a proxy for the new Minescorp Jackels? I believe they are Silhouette 2 (S2).
THIS is a very controversial opinion, but bear with me! Get rid of ALL Vanilla armies for ITS tournaments. (Keep them in narrative campaigns)...
This is an excellent report on Shavastii tactics. Can the original author update it to include the latest N4 changes?
I have the following miniatures still to get in the current range: Suryat box Kurgat blister with auto cannon Rasyat blister with boarding...
Has anyone used the Xeodron Harris to good affect? I am itching to try the two tactical awareness orders in a limited insertion list. What do you...
If I wanted a super durable and reliable specialist surely the Anathematic HD+ would be better? Strange that I have never taken the Anathematic...
Since the new rules from N2 to N3 in regards to loss of LT, and the increase in COC, I believe G:Mnemonica has been watered down considerable....
I like the idea of having both an Anathematic and a Charontid in the same list, but it does seem to be a lot of points sink. I think Sheskiin in...
I like this list. The overdone with two heavy rocket launchers seem like a good ARO distraction. Not any Infiltrating specialists. Not sure I like...
I quite like taking both, Bit and Kiss along with Kerr-Nau. If you are going to take hacking threat, then doubling up sounds good. Plus I like...
It’s been a while since I have used Charontid in vanilla combined army. I have been using Shasvastii a lot but would like to try out new things....
I try and avoid Sheskiin in a five man fire team. Trying to advance so many miniatures up field is cumbersome. Can be a liability. Prefer a Harris
Didn’t think about the problem of the hacking net. Be nice to have sensor though.
I like the idea of the grenade launcher with nimbus plus grenades. With help the Sphinx with flaming enemy miniatures.
whoops your right! No malignos. Can’t have everything. what do you think of my list?
I have a tournament coming soon where I have to play Acquisition. This throws up the conundrum of who to be the Liaison Officer and the Data...
Hello, does anyone have a Dazer token/picture that I can print off before a tournament? Looked at Captain Spud's Token creator and I can find it....