It is based on the "a little chibi" Photon portrait you can see in the REM RACERS trailer, which indeed has these proportions even more...
Are you HYPED about Rem Racers? I'm surely hyped, I love racing boardgames, from Formula De, to Gaslands, Car Wars, Rusn'n'Crush... you get the...
:joy::joy::joy: Ah! that comic strips... I know that TOPO and UXIA finally were going to be somehow closer to each other in the comics... Love is...
It was the year 2008, Corvus Belli had not long since launched Infinity, and a character known as "El TOPO" was roaming the forums, starring in...
They look pretty good, minimalistic painting but really does the job with the high contrast red on gray Two thumbs up!
Awesome! This online STL correction tool is pretty damn good to be free: Only drawback is that more...
I answered you on private messages, and I've uploaded a "clean" version in the thingiverse page:
Good ole necromancy here! Models are not merged into a sigle mesh, so there are overlapping faces. Your best approach is to use some software...
. Pues si separas partes, sube un derivado a Thingiverse, que se agradecerá :grinning::+1: Por el cómic, probablemente el "tamaño real" fuera...
Yo la estoy imprimiendo con una impresora FDM (la mía es además discretita) y el resultado parece bueno, aunque las alitas de delante se me han...
He hecho un exportado rápido a STL, lo he reparado mínimamente y aquí lo tenéis para descarga e imprimir... eso si, no va a ser una impresión...
Pues poco que comentar, viendo este post sobre el trabajo de Carlos Torres en Facebook, me picó el gusanillo y me puse a a afinar el Gravity...
I'm finally making the model available outside Kickstarter. I'm uploading separated packages for the Chicharra itself (alreay up), Scenery and the...
Acabo de encontrarme con estes post... perdón por llegar tan tarde. Y es que... ¡ya pensaba ya que nadie se iba a dar cuenta del pedazo de easter...
I'm sorry, I've been out from the forums for a while (things goes wild at work when you're getting closer to holiday season) It has been a very...
Thank you very much!! :grinning: That's a great printing @Shingen, it is smooth and it is impossible to see layering or overhang distortions! I...
Thank you for supporting my works :) That printing is looking great... you have a little oozing there, but it seems that a little tweak in...
That is a very good printing! This is the first one I see (apart of my multiple tests) Great job! ghosting is a little weird but layers are really...
Oh! At the second stretch goal unlock update I comented that... seated pilot is on the works :grinning:
Thank you very much for your support guys! I mean it! @choponet , about the montaraz, you can get it at thingiverse so there is no need for an...