Is there a link available to download the stat cards?
A PDF with N5 profiles for missing armies like Acontecimento. That's all I want.
...guess I deserve it heh
Well, at least we won’t have to read anyone else saying 'wait until the 18th' anymore xD
I just came to say the same. AWESOME PAINT JOB
First of all... THANKS @Space Ranger I'm missing a lot of units, but that's something expected after releasing the first vanilla charts. I...
So, do we have a list of what's on our vanilla O12 chart? I know we have a picture, but I can't read it properly (my bad). So, what's been cut...
Absolutely agree. BTW, I'm gonna play my Acon as Kestrel. I have doubts with the Black A.I.R. profile, but the rest looks easy enough for me to proxy
Let's be "serious" about the launching of this edition... The first edition was launched in 2005. The new edition is N5. Next year is 2025....
I hope we can still play with those armies even if they are not fully supported. My son plays a fully painted Acon list which he loves. I'm not...
So, the misterious mini was Infinity Captain Harlock...
To be honest, I'm pretty excited about N5. Don't ask me why, I think it's just because it's a new opportunity to get me hooked on the game again....
Those swords still look like a GW contrast-like paint applied over white primer surface. Those faces are still weird looking.
I found your post quite interesting and, even if don't participate in the forum very often, I thought I should give you my opinion as a I usually...
Yo disfruté muchísimo del torneo. A pesar de que mi participación fue flojita (quedé 17º de 22, con una única victoria, un empate y dos...
Muchas gracias, compañero. No hubiera estado de más que bien en el dossier, bien en el mail que envían diciéndote que estás inscrito en el...
Me inscribí ayer, pero no soy capaz de apuntarme a través del OTM (y de enviar, por tanto, listas). He enviado un correo, pero de momento no he...
I wish you wouldn't nailed the worst case scenario...
I can't figure out what the true purpose of C1 is. I've played Infinity N1 and N2, and when I came back for N4 I tried to start with C1 and said...