Ok, but how do you know?
Army: Nomads, Combined Army, O-12 Troops: Szalamandra, Avatar, Zeta Unit Those TAG units doesn't have Tactical Awareness special skill.
Umbra Legate needs an uplifting - point reduction? Weird vehicle with Umbra to pilot it (TO camo?) would be nice. Return of Skiavoros would be a hit
EY man, that's not nice. Infinity is a game, not a simulation. I understand both sides - logic behind idling shot order, "because you can't see...
Cutters is ~90 Jotums is ~90 You can't have more than 11 orders for Avatar right now. The beast was hidden in three aspects of this model: -...
The Combined Army god in flesh is no more, unless... That's what you call a "nerfed to hell". Cost reduced by 17(?) and lost 2 orders. I believe...
Yeah, Charontid ate the Avatar.
What if I have 15 orders and you have 10?
Hello, Some of you have seen this on Facebook. I'd like to share it here as well. Here is a poll, after ~24h, 400+ users voted: [ATTACH] Link here.
Hello, I want to suggest an update to this great app. 1. Change Order Count It is possible to configure order count in a way it will be precise...
I love Overdrons as heavy support. I use it as ARO piece mostly. In current meta nobody expects this Chongus overwatching the table. Onyx provides...
I agree, Cassie is a baseline TAG with shortrange B 3 weapon. I believe deployment is a key here. It might be tricky against hackers - true. There...
The missions are great to play (as long as you don't play Arianda). What about the points value? I know there are redundant regarding missions,...
The TAG is more like Raicho. Bultrak is super-jump CC+1B. I does not see that in threelegged tank treads :P But again all Raichos have to has the...
That settles it. Thanks!
Hey there, The minis are already there. I'll sure have some fun playing the boardgame, but tbh I'm the Infinity player. It was said that those...
Ah yes, artifacts! I totally agree, and looking forward next FAQ. Thanks for sharing your clarification! Regarding scenatios, they actually...
Yes but xD deployed on the gaming table might be interpreted both way imho. Additionaly the hd lt profiles DON'T MAKE SENSE. I know I can use...