The pattern in the carapace is such a nice touch.
I think this is starting to spiral in a bad direction.
Managing impetuous is quite interesting, that extra order is handy, but messes up the Santiagos, Cybermask, so it needs extra planning as it...
Nice reading!
No, I would never say that, in addition I pointed out that its a mistake I made in my own games, so I am sharing my own experience playing them.
You can have the level of details, poses and quality Infinity has in HIPS (what GW plastics are), but not in the way GW does their molds, you need...
In general what my N5 games with MO have made me realize is that at face value they seem many times that you do not have the tools to deal with...
All casting materials have their pro and con, there are things "plastic" can do (and lets not open the huge question of what does one mean by...
A camouflage model been affected replaced its -3 with -3 a TO replaced its -6 to -3, a drastic reduction that made low tech factions practically...
Really nice design!
I think I have said it several times, but I think null deployment is been penalized in this edition, probably for a good reason.
I love that Boyg, I cannot pin what the changes are from the official scheme, but there are and it makes it look so much better and menacing.
They are back!
And here is its biggest issue it was only an anti ODD/ TO measure it did not affect camouflage or mimetism making it only a penalty for the high...
Fox lady (for me) is specifically the Kestrel PanO beasthunter, and when asked my answer is "PanO pays better".
Thanks waiting the results with anticipation.
Until specifically ruled otherwise no, as they do not fulfil the criteria to be the designated trooper.
To be frank I am glad burned state got removed, added unnecessary complexity to impact only the high tech factions that relied on said technology....
It is a difficult balance, tactical awareness is a more exclusive and captive order than irregular and loosing the model that has it is more...