Why would they become unusuable in lists? Models go OOP all the time. Could be a re-sculpt or they could just be cleaning up SKUs, neither is...
To put TR MRLs in perspective they're mathematically inferior to core linked kazaks on ARO in terms of actually landing hits, even accounting for...
Yeah and I mean it's hard to disagree with this. I like the look of the MULs. I'm actually building two MULs right now. I will certainly force...
Without gutting the list by stripping out the REMs entirely, the most obvious change I can see is downgrading the Irmandinho to a chain rifle to...
Here's a question for you MRRF vets - my understanding is sixth sense in N4 has lost the delay ARO ability (played little N3 but it looks like it...
Do you mean to say you can't dismount them or there's just no reason to? As far as I can tell imp is optional and you can dismount them if you...
Excellent that's exactly what I needed to know, thanks.
Unless linked AND dismounted... right?
Nothing in Ariadna or TAK though, sounds like. So it's fireteam bonuses or coordinated orders only. Good to know, definitely means there's still...
So if you succeed while double shooting, you only actually put down one mine, right? Seems kinda... weird. That you fire off two mines to make it...
Is this actually a thing? Do any units have this?
I'm new to the game - these numbers only apply when you're using a paramedic in a sufficiently large fireteam to get +1B, right? Or in the case of...
I'd love to seem them if only so I could get my hands on a tikbalang. Not a lot of ideal options to proxy one of the few S6 TAGs in the game.
This is a tangential question but I can't find where it was said when the extra sectorials were getting their rules for N4. November?
Finished a game with that list and boy, that WildParrot really scares the pants off people once you explain what it does. I completely...
To keep the tone of this thread being basically just a bunch of random conversation hooks: I've got a 150 point vanilla list I'll be playing in...
Auxbots seem solid, wish they weren't attached only to older profiles that aren't in production. At least the Peacemaker is still in the store,...
So I guess that's where I'm being tripped up. The way the rules are written seem to suggest explicitly that the template dodge is NOT a FTF roll,...
Interesting. So you roll once but apply the result, essentially, to two discreet things - a normal PH-3 roll to avoid the template and then a...
Here's another question: is anything 'expected' for when Acontecimento drops in... November, right? Or is it kinda all bets are off? They...