[ATTACH] Full Vanilla list for us. Shikami is clipped off in the corner.
I don't see a join Aleph O12 sectoral happening. CA has a seat on the senate now and any sign of militant objection by O12 would be seen as...
Speculative attack.
Look I can see the want for data collection and I understand the benefits to the tracking with the ITS system. I'm not saying it's correct to not...
Do not pass go. Do not collect 200$. Since we witchhunting here might as well also put up for charges on having some casual events were we don't...
Stay mad then I guess. I'm gonna continue enjoying casual events with my local group. If there comes a day where this gets enforced cool. Also...
No use whining at me about it. Until it's enforced lots of players are gonna do the same.
So some characters are "High Command" and are limited to 1 per list. NTM characters either officers or supports can join units for buffs + wound...
Is this the first time a post N4 sculpt is going OOP?
I haven't pre uploaded any lists to any ITS events I've played in. I find that you think a blanket penalty to be a good idea shows me you do not...
My bad with all your whining I got you mixed up with another poster, sorry.
For someone who self admitted to not playing this edition you sure have a lot of anecdotes on it.
Newer players plus too much casual convo. It's not really every table but at least every round we have a few stragglers when time is called. Lunch...
I think this still has the probability of bogging down play. 20+ order even if balanced is still more time to execute each order and aro triggers....
She had nimbus grenades yeah.
Nomads problems aren't really balance wise cause they aren't exactly OP. It's that I can count the things they can't do on one hand and those...
Over half of Nomad MI are bakunin specific units and tunguska just got it's 3rd MI with the kulak. Obvious LTs are an identifiable weakness of the...
To emphasize the main point I was trying to get across in my previous post. I think faction specific rules could be a way to increase faction...
There's another post going the rounds where a self admitted non player of N4 was making a suggestion to go the 40k route of faction specific rules...
If it's literally a QoL change and the math doesn't change and you say that players who'd want it shouldn't be playing infinity that's kinda the...