... and then proceeds to write multiple paragraphs, with bulleted lists, to unpack the rules issue. Not saying you're wrong, just found the...
Cheap REMs, for utility, is part of the answer.
If someone wants to give me the button, I can press it every day. : )
I think it’s reasonable to request confirmation of N5 rules interactions since the new rules are neither N1 nor N2. Assuming things work a certain...
Agreed. Again, better communication would help temper expectations. Maybe it’s just me, but I’m not a fan of offloading models I like because...
It's nice that things can be amended and expanded, as desired/necessary. However, that doesn't address the concerns some have expressed. In the...
Can you clarify this? I'm unclear on how American feedback has adversely impacted the game. If anything, the limbo status of USARF would indicate...
This didn't age well. ; ) In all seriousness, are the forum servers unable to stay online without human interaction? They've been down again for...
Agree to disagree? Agreed. : ) Also agree that it's not an easy situation to untangle. It's the blessing/curse of success. A large SKU catalog...
CB makes great looking miniatures. Whether every (or even a majority) of those miniatures would have been purchased purely on the merits of their...
I think this is a very interesting (and slightly philosophical) conversation ... Hurdle 2 is the $64,000 question. I thought CB had struck a...
I agree that patience is a better response than anger, if only because what will the anger get you? ... besides angry, that is. That said, this...
You may be right, but I certainly hope not. Dedicated forums (like this one) are infinitely superior to the current online discussion...
I agree, and I think that’s the source of much of the frustration that many feel. CB is different (read: better) than many of the other game...
Agreed. I love that model.
Why so aggressive? I'm not saying, for your example, that you're wrong—but it's worth noting that up until N5 (read: still today) 99% of...
This isn't an easy transition to navigate—moving from N4 to N5. They've taken decisions that they (and many others) feel will be better for the...
I totally agree. Generally, I really appreciate a light-touch moderator, but ad hominem has become far too prevalent. I disagree that CB clearly...
I agree—ultimately, affected players will have to decide how to proceed. It won't serve anyone to dwell in the negativity long term. Since N5...