@Golem2God Thanks for the kind words! Always appreciated. I ahve just noticed I forgot to do the mag pouches or belt for those hecklers so will...
Hi all, Another small update and a HUGE gap between the last one and this. This is for a couple of reasons, including the hot weather making my...
@Ugin Thanks man! I am really only trying to stand on the shoulders of giants by plagerising almost every aspect of the scheme :sob:
Thanks Dude. I completely agree with you! I think it's because the koalas are so small, its hard to get a good shot of the detailing. Its, Ironic...
Hi all, Little update. Just finished working on my 2 koalas and 2 pandas, I know these are just "equipment" items and arent really "game" pieces...
Thanks! Yeah I agree on the stark highlights on the red. As i mentioned I was following along the Masterclass Vol2 book and the final highlight on...
Righto, So it seemed rude to start a painting thread without some models I am working on (I was just wrestling with the upload process and...
Hey All, Long time lurker and admirerererer of the work that people throw up onto this forum. There are some seriously Lush models that get...
Yeah it was more just my dice hated me on thursday. For example, interventor with boarding shotgun, caught one of his dudes with no cover at 7"...
To be honest I was failing dice rolls even when unopposed. A particular favourite was failing 4 times in a row to flip a console....the times I...
Hey all, just a note again to say thanks for the advice. Just got back from America (made it just before all the corona shut down silliness),...
Hey guys, thanks for the feedback. Apologies for the delay in replying I have been away with work and have been super slammed! @borisgreymenace -...
Hey all, I am a long time fan of infinity, long time lurker on this forum and intermittent player. For the last few years my mates and I have...