Every character is veteran, and IA have a lot of them.
Neema doesn't lose frenzy in fireteam now, so she can't get the -3 for cover after she killed a model. I think is a big malus.
Nobody talking here my friends? In my humble opinion Tohaa with N5 have suffered many nerfs that they didn't deserve, and few, if any, interesting...
Instead, I think that Su-Jian really lost a lot in this edition. Without the template the Heavy Shotgun version is much less interesting. Too bad,...
I mean in vanilla.
What is your opinion for the Yan Huo? I think Is very good now. Put the neurocinetics missile launcher one with lunah and two long ya are too much...
Jaan Staar is in the preview of the Tohaa in N5.
The year of the Tohaa is here ;)
Nothing of special. The better profile is the sapper with k1 sniper, but in vanilla Lunah is better, and in WB Ye Mao with missile launcher is...
We have disco-ball hacker, camo hackers, parachutists hackers, parachutists with e/mitter+zapper and a B4 e/m carabin plane :D.
The solution vs the tags are the same, hacking, e/m ammo, breaker things, melee.
I hope in new changes for our best tag. The Guijia is a turtle; with Immunity (Arm) it would be perfect (like Maximus).
I totally agree. The Thunderbolt instead of E/mitter would have been more correct and interesting
I was hoping, as always, for something more particular for this alien race; some exotic weapon, or some special ability unique only to the Tohaa....
I really like the Feiquan, thank you CB.
I'm very sad which Adil won't be in vanilla Yu Jing in N5.
My best hopes are aimed at the Yan Huo and the Su Jian (especially the one with the heavy shotgun, considered the generic nerf of all N5...
I really like this Adil!
Looking at the page of the new profiles available in n5 for Ariadna I noticed that the Polaris Team will still be available but the Bearpode will...
I already wrote it clearly. So you disappoint me, since you, unlike me, can read and understand well ;)