Os miss you cabrones
Guys, es que no sabía si ya me lo había perdido o aun podría optar. Enviado desde mi CPH1907 mediante Tapatalk
Las fechas son correctas? Enviado desde mi CPH1907 mediante Tapatalk
Today I played my first n4 tournament. If it's useful for somebody, I realized that there was a lot more of ip and tags due the point drop. So,...
Corregidor When you add jazz fto, the army count her as two orders. Android army Enviado desde mi CPH1907 mediante Tapatalk
I also used several times securitate core with the hollow Haris. It worked fine to me. I only use the hollow core when I play only 10 orders....
Thanks, I thought the list was published. He uses units i never play, this is why I want to se the list. Enviado desde mi CPH1907 mediante Tapatalk
[MEDIA] This is the game I ment. Enviado desde mi CPH1907 mediante Tapatalk
I think so. The final is between nomads and tohaa. Enviado desde mi CPH1907 mediante Tapatalk
Hello! I m seeing the tts league final between tohaa and nomads. Do you know if there's any place where I can see the nomad list used in the...
Hello, looking for some thoughts to play this two missions. Thanks in advance!...
I have to play a tournament with custom mission, we have to sinchronize a character and keep him sinchronized. Also decapitation and matrix...
Is difficult for me to build a tunguska list...[emoji24] Enviado desde mi CPH1907 mediante Tapatalk
https://assets.infinitythegame.net/infinityarmy/img/logos/logo_504.svg Tunguska misión eic──────────────────────────────────────────────────GROUP...
Did you use this ft? I m thinking to use this ft in a tournament with a sec/grenzer ft. Any thoughts? Thanks! Enviado desde mi CPH1907 mediante...
Hola, me apunto. Enviado desde mi CPH1907 mediante Tapatalk
Gran iniciativa para la apap. Soy de Barcelona y no podré estar, aunque mi mujer es de León y paso allí los veranos, así que ya se que puedo...