Ah! The baby shark is currently a Zellenkrieger :) Thanks everyone! Glad people are enjoying!
Its taken about 2-3 years to get all the models, parts and basic ideas figured out. But my Libertos army finally got the opportunity to see the...
A nuts I didn't notice this wasn't a 30 day funding campaign! Oh well looks cool.
Well presumably SymbioBombs, Kriigel Agents and Units without MSV visibility mods. But I do think making Makauls regular smoke is pretty much a...
This may deserve its own thread to really discuss in full again but I'd argue the biggest issue with the Symbionts is that right now their...
The Shas rework actually added alot to the army in that it makes non Camo centric builds viable instead of unviable. Its actually one of the more...
Can confirm. My Shasvastii lists changed less then 10% with the rework and play essentially identically.
Well it looks like we have an answer for what is happening. We might have to Spiral for a while and then we'll get to play with our Tohaa once more.
You and I have had very different experiences on Social Media.
Certainly could be that its true. Im not really in a position to say much of anything one way or the other on the matter. I also dont really...
Thats cool. I'd rather just have concrete information about whats happening before I bother to get upset over anything. Seems sort of pointless to...
Call me an optimist/fanboy/whatever but personally I'll hold my judgement until I see something I can confirm as directly from CB instead of third...
It seems odd to me that CB would both have a thread about Tohaa in N4 and also not have plans to bring them back. Do you have a source thats...
I mean the point was mostly that they aren't just some nation state actor on the general stage. Aleph behaves somewhat like one in some...
I think this is where my opinion differs. While Aleph behaves like a state level actor in many cases we know Aleph has sourced and maintains at...
I personally feel like the arjuna is one of the best units in OSS. 3 Great sets of weapons, flexibility in how many support bots to bring. BS12...
There have been some excellent explanations for why we might see Mercenary units in Aleph so far I thought. I'm not sure I see the disconnect. We...
Until then we have the Sakiel Paramedic :heart::heart::heart:
I feel like this has more to do with the way Spiral Plays then as a reflection of the Kosuil. Its a durable engineer designed to be part of a...
It Doesn't hurt that IJW probably has among the most experience with the game and the rules of anyone on the planet.