You field them as one unit of 4 normally, as stated in the bottom left corner of the card.
Probably also because Warcrow is and never was promoted to this forum ^^" And even Infinity population barely hang in there anymore.
From what I know it contains the cards for all Scions units/characters from accross all Warcrow Adventures + a siocast miniatures of a generic...
I still don't know how you people manage to do such feats ^^" I keep sending my siocast accross tables to show people their sturdyness and they...
Any proto-engi at 11 is good, specially when she double down as a specialist and she kinda acts as a better warcor.
We still are waiting for the twin counterpart of the Herald, and the whole engineers stuff spoiled in the rulebook to rise up the amount of...
They can't yet meet up (or barely) the demand of the already released factions, so I can clearly understand why they don't want to release other...
I like these changes a lot. The core of Oban really shine through now, maybe a bit too much compared to the new stuff (apart from the Hatamoto).
No more combat Sheskin, no more Kendrat... no more Jan Staar, technically. I think they take the occasion to remove all never releases Defiance,...
They also said Adventures hitting retail shelves by Q1 and new faction (supposedly for Adepticon) AREN'T Scions as they stated, so it will be 4...
We got 4 boxes for this month as releases. And at launch we got 6 items even.
Yay the calling of a specific TAG in their name is odd, but tbf it isn't the weirdest thing we got so far in these N5 previews.
They said they'll publish them later, but we don't know when yet.
More than decent, it's very good even!
I forgive his lack of camo for its minelayering and hidden deployment, allowing him into my oops-all-ninja lists x)
Yay... I'll wait for more spoiled VH profiles, but for now VH are odd as a whole: no purposes, no utility, seems like a luxury paperweight for...
Try the Discord then, some folks have made the forum so unbearable than not even CB staff hang in there anymore these days, compared to before... ^^'
Love the mix of colors and general tone balance on her!
Which is what it is.
Foolproof to avoid people using abilities like "raging" or things that trigger "when you get charged".