Bases from Green Stuff World looks exactly like old CB bases.
Also, did they send complete sets (34 minis) or demo aets with demo mision and 12-15 minis ? If I remember minis from test sets was siocast so...
I think that 2 points per objectives is corect. That way you can achive max 10 points.
I thik, there will be no extra addons/extensions, we already have 2 (big dragon and Morats).
Ok, picture isn't very clear. Imagine that you are looking at the gun from the front, turn it slightly counterclockwise, then its upper part (the...
I found out that the problem is how you glue the gun to your right arm. If it is more "flat" the shoulder pad will not fit, if you "twist" it...
Two most visible changes betwen N3 and N4 are MOV (for MI and some HI) and increse of CC for some models. So if character have heavy armor he can...
And Maruts have it (but if you have 2 extra hand, why not). :sunglasses:
Feldherr organizer look rather good. [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] I really like this token boxes [img] [img] [img]
Yes, if you have all available for that mission units on the table, then nothing new will spawn, but remember, some killed enemies may return....
Nop, Ariadna developed space technology because of back stabing and stealing... :kissing_smiling_eyes:
The card for CA are in Defiance other will be in expansions.
I think old Deva (male) was with nanopulser, also Caliban from Defiance have sculpted pulzar, but yes they are mostly "hiden" weapon. [IMG] [IMG]
During the Kickstarter campaign, I asked CB about the bases. Defiance uses the old bases because the new ones were incompatible with those colored...
This monday, acording to DHL tracking at 15:00 , and was delivered few minutes ago.
Mine started on Monday and arrived in Poland today, so the delivery should be today.
I just got my, 27th too.
Totally agree, the Zeta looks better in nature than in the photos, it's as tall as Iguana but more massive, very close to Szalamandra. [img] [img]
Cutter and Zeta are S7 , Blue Wolf and Sphinx are S6.
something like this ? :sunglasses: