Wait a bit... Gorgos pilot does not loose her Tactical Awareness. That's beautiful! Wish I could land a hand on her in the past :(
Yup, this is something interesting changes. To succeed them, CB needs to release actual minis and we're good
Weird stuff going on. Maybe they will split this box or just some kind of mistake (like bunch of SC-only units not listed by Spiral Corps filter...
Something interesting coming
We got weird news, boyz: Neema got her +1 Command Token back, (:tada:), but (actually, very big BUT), only on spitfire lt profile. Which...
Profile clearly states it have specific bonus to HF (see weapon loadout) as well as CC bonus. I see. But still, I find this very confusing. If...
Army: NA2/ Spiral Corpses Troop: Chaksa Auxilias Browser used & Operative System: Mobile App (Android) Description of the bug: In Play mode,...
Got a bit unclean situation: what happens to other unit's orders when Lt possessing Inspiring Leadership become Isolated? Will they be...
Sounds like reason to abandon the game, if so. I would be just happy to have nullifiers back.
Except SC lost access to double-bomb Kaeltar which means the whole concept of double-bomber Kiiutan is dead now, unfortunately. Even if Kiiutan...
Welcome to Tohaa family, bro Kaeltar Specialist, Kaauri Sentinels and Chacksa Auxilia are ones of most common used guys, so they are almost...
Yeah, I aware about annex. Still, using mirrorball in ARO a bit unclean to me. Assuming enemy unit executes order in LoS of Kriigel Agend and he...
Including Mirrorball?
Could be I just got tired :( Thanks Other topic: How pheroware tactics works on ARO in N4?
Im missing E/M grenades on Igao profiles, are they were removed or just another bug? Or I just messed up and Igao never owned them?
Again female spec?( Well, ok, we have much more specialists-females, but lets assume this is fine and its only me that want more male versions of...
He was 4-4 for long, as far as I remember. He was some kind of backup frontline specialist, with nullifier to cover Neema from hackers or with...
Oh, we are, just discussed earlier and/or in Tohaa thread. Diplomat is autoinclude now for me I personally would love boarding Igao with mirrorball
Aaand we lost White Hacking Device =\ So, the only 2 ways to counteract enemy hackers to our HI/TAG are to take Brawler hacker or Wardriver =\
My bad, sorry. Never used fireteams other than Triad :sweat_smile: Still, I would give it a try, at least few times before stepping back to usual...