Nah. You guys think you're doing the lord's work, when in reality, you're the trolls under the bridge just looking for an excuse to ruin...
Eeeeee, the toy soldiers are making me uncomfortable, eeeeee! Nice to see that nothing's changed and that the same old suspects are still busying...
I haven't played OCF in ... over a year? ... so I can't speak to the current meta. But for what it's worth, back when did, I leveraged the...
The free movement of goods and services, clearly. :wink:
I won't be happy until we see a bootleg sculpture of Gunnar braiding Uma's hair while she explains the purported economic benefits of the free...
I prefer my Vikings gentle and kind, with kittens. Fluffy kittens.
Yes. Good times!
What's the use in all the coats if they're ... open ... ? Asking for a friend.
Monk being exclusive to CB's store rankles; it's a beautiful model, but ain't no way I'm paying their ridiculous shipping to get my hands on it....
Chiming in to agree with @Stiopa. If you really like Acon because it's jungle warriors, but it gets axed and your precious Akals and BMs get...
I poke my head in this morning and wow, just wow ... CB's marketing and community-relations people really need to step up their game. If these...
That's why I'm not throwing up my hands ... yet. Could be there's something behind the curtain that addresses these concerns. All of which begs...
Am I the only guy here who doesn't want his PanO goons to get a ninja? I'm still waiting to see how this all shakes out, but giving PanO ninjas is...
The bloat is most definitely in the unit profiles as well as the rules at this point. I'd echo everything @dlfleetw says above. As I've remarked...
More profile bloat in an already over-complicated game, if you ask me. There was a time I could count on at least having a good idea of what all...
Right? Gonna put that alternate Jazz to use after all! This is an mediocre sculpt viewed in isolation, but it's just plain awful when viewed...
Woof, there's a missed opportunity.
Morats are good as well, only a one-model overlap. I think the JSA box is solid too, for the reasons mentioned just above.
There's probably a fun econ paper that could be written on Kickstarter $1 Pledges and the Free Rider Problem. Happily, university is something I...
Hah, threw in for an extra reinforcement pack but now I'm all tapped out! Still have to buy Christmas presents for the family, y'know. :joy: