Oh okay, I didn't know that was recommended. Which AGL rules specifically do you think it's best to use?
So does that mean we might see the core rules change to match this at some point?
Does anyone know why this is only for AGL and not party of the regular rules?
I imagine Murtair wouldn't mind the lift either? :smile:
Hmm, so silencing Bachmann's Immunized doesn't make him explode. Oh well :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
Can you withdraw only one minion per activation? Or any number of minions?
Scenario: Wild Bill is adjacent to an enemy Gaia and no other enemy. He spends a movement point to disengage, and succeeds. However, during the...
If deploy just means place, then yes, because you can place things whether they are on the board or not.
It looks like then the Spanish version doesn't directly address Tactics. I agree Damiel that your interpretation seems the most sensible, but I...
Further evidence that Characters might be the ones who use tactics from the Human Target Scenario rules (emphasis mine): But then contradictory...
Good news though - John 'Hannibal' Smith is named after Hannibal of Carthage, so in a way you are right after all! :smile: From wikipedia:...
And don't forget that :5: effects are optional, so if you Sample an enemy and use :1: to give them :D:, and that's their only state token, you...
Can switches affect the resolution of other switches? For example, if Miyamoto attacks 8-Ball, and during the attack 8-Ball activates switches...
Right - I was saying that it wouldn't make sense for his abilities and tactics to not work on States he's not affected by, so it wouldn't make...
Well, that makes it sound like the Character is playing the tactic, right? Not the player. But then the example they give makes it more...
I'm not entirely sure about that (though if this is an official ruling on it, let me know). My thinking is that the implied "you" in the...
Or better yet, don't even take 'Amputate'. Then they might just keep holding on to their 'No' forever :grin:
If "not affected by" means he can't be considered to have the tokens for abilities or tactics, then his own ability Inoculate (and his tactic card...
My Major Lunah rolls are always terrible, but Dart has rolled pretty well for me so far so I think she's probably better :grin: Seriously though,...
Oh, so Bachman can have multiple Silence tokens because of his passive - that is actually a bit of a weakness in that case, huh? And he could...