It's faster to switch to your firearm than reload your main weapon?. Honestly beside the meme response I don't know, I guess everyone gesta a...
As a Main Hassassin Bahram player, I am loving all these changes: Govads: Definitely have a better role now, with MSV 1, Warhorse and COmbat...
I agree I was also hoping to see some leaks regarding Haqq, unsure if I want to buy the lore book if my faction isn't named, now I have to hope...
Preach Brother!
You make some good points there that I didn't consider but that still makes sense on certain sectorials more than a lot of armies.
Personally I wouldn't mind some Aristeia characters getting removed but that is because I don't play that and it feels weird seeing superstars in...
- Are any rules getting specific overhaul or rewording? That is my biggest question. Bioimmunity, holomask/echoes, frenzy, or just any rule being...
"I would like to read the lore of a profile that has been marked as pivotal (Pandora) and was released two years ago. Anything besides the name...
Really pretty stuff but any news about upcoming changes with N5?
It's a bit funny how everyone is defending the current system and to me it just looks like fear of change, yes before you added to the dice roll...
Oh crap, I was meaning to talk about holoecho sorry, not holomask in that statement.
I like holomask on its own, it does feel like it's not useful during reactive turns and less protection than camo but in active turns it's...
Thank you for the clean pictures, I was going crazy with the blurry ones, liking the change to natural born warrior, now at least it doesn't trump...
As a Hassassin player I agree powerful ARO pieces you have to resolve most of the time with some lateral thinking or with a lucky Fiday most of...
Is there any news on when Corvus Belli might drop some more information on the new edition, its basically out in 2 months and I see no planned...
A thematic way to implement this in a slightly different way is to play with the reinforcements rule... Bear with me. One player has the main army...
I would honestly prefer to separate holomask and holoechoes completely. I feel as separate skills they have a good purpose but the whole holomask...
I have no clear answer to the shotgun template rule, as Haqqislam player I remember shotguns just being +3 for short range, then becoming +6 and...
Slightly an illusion, Prior rules: you roll a 10, you added +4 , it became a 14, this was higher so felt better, closer to crit. New rules: you...
I am a Hassassin player, used to play up until N3 and only came back with the blackwind box so my opinion of the game is limited, but personally I...