1. The Mimetism/FD2 profiles are looking to skirmish in the midfield With what tools he is going to do that? BS11 and SMG. The first bolt with...
But what actual take he can solve? He is not specialist, he has no good offensive weapons. Clipsos makes the same taket, but he is more effective...
Can anyone explain me the idea behind the grief operators? I rate this unit as 120% trash, but maybe I'm just missing something?
I can make the same list, but without delegate and krakot, but with kerail perseptors with beast. So it will be 16 orders. What do you think?
I've fixed the formatting
In our year of Tohaa we got the hardest nerf possible and got only plain bad released. Not mentioning dropping the production of some miniatures...
Here is my new list for tohaa https://assets.infinitythegame.net/infinityarmy/img/logos/logo_801.svg Kriigel Tagma Spit HMG...
I mean it will be balanced, if it is not obligatory
I really believe this equipment shall not be obligatory. As for other - seems fine
Any explanation how they see playing Tohaa without Makaul?
I've heard about SymbioMates being reworked. Did you by any chance heard the same?