Aye, a lot of infinity is stylized to hit a specific aesthetic, I imagine if there was a switch to hyper realism there’d be much fewer glowing...
Just got my chernobog, gave it a look over paying special attention to the areas shown above, mine doesn’t appear to have any issues Sure, there’s...
I do like how the guy wearing shit colored glasses is chiding someone for wearing rose tinted ones Let people enjoy things man, you’ve made your...
yeah, i wasn't 100% whether it would be or not, but figured it merited posting on the off chance it was
Army: Shasvastii Troop: Seed Soldier Browser used & Operative System: All Description of the bug: Forward Observer profile of the Seed-Soldier...
Yep! Since both the team leader (2) and another fireteam member (1) moved into the trigger area, the defending player has the option of choosing...
You are right in that the koala will boost before the ARO of the second player, but it will not occur until you have finished the entirety of the...
I kinda feel like they got passed over with the changes due to being a retired army, which is too bad No real new link options (aside from ava 5...
For me at least, NBW isn't literally just inherent talent in close quarters fighting, it can be, but it's also on things that martial arts won't...
Either player can measure zone of control from the active trooper after a movement short skill, which effectively means the active trooper always...
Highly recommend Carmen and Bâtard, especially this season as they can get some serious work done Irmandiños are a near must as well, basically...
Your assumption here is that somehow new players have trouble with the current difficulty level of remembering different flavorful skills, which...
so there are a few issues with this as a premise to gauge opinions: first off, there is no option for "they're fine as is / no change" second, an...
with movement skills allowing measurement from declaration in N4, having an exception for "except for if you fall with super jump" seems...
I guess that seems like a pretty disingenuous interpretation of things to me, but hey, what do I know Either way, I'd wait for a bit of further...
the interm ruling goes a long way on clarifying the intent and solving most of the issues around it, along with saying they know it doesn't solve...
Couldn't you also just check the ZoC of the mine / decoy during deployment? During deployment this is fairly common anyway, both in rules...
Army: O12, Starmada, Kosmoflot Troop: Varangian Guard Browser / OS: iPadOS Description: In play mode, Varangian Guard weapon description lists the...
Aye, I imagine the last “real” one was minerbot, and the previous goals at these levels were made into the free daily unlocks, which was a nice...
it's easier just to let the dude scream at clouds, kid seems to just enjoy complaining, doesn't really actually matter about what