Irmhadinos deactivate turrets on 19s out of LoS. You can use smoke to achieve this too, niche but worth keeping in the back pocket to avoid...
Awesome, yeah sounds like we deploy the streloks in a similar way. I agree overwhelming your opponent with camo markers really does slow their...
Good insight, thank you. Regarding the Strelok, how do you deploy yours? As aggressively as the table permits? or do you tend to hang him back a...
We have one of our biggest events coming up and seeing as I've narrowed down my lists, I thought I might share them to see what people make of...
Fairly hefty edit on the previous post, I feel it deserve a bump and some attention
So I’ve been away playing TAK for last 12+ months and with the upcoming 2 day event Burn City Brawl in Melbourne coming up signaling the likely...
Great advice above. holomask* is a perfect answer to guided in my book. As mentioned above, it’s already so order intensive that as soon as you...
I might not have been very clear. I did not use guided against thr TAGs. I simply used the Urugan, burst 3 in good range. I used smoke to help me...
W Well, first you have to do the maths. The Urugan deletes armour. It is template +Ap. An ARM8 Tag in cover goes from ARM 11 > ARM 4. Saving on...
Has anyone been using these fellas? Any new opinions? I’ve been finding them to be excellent and managed to kill several TAGs with the Uragan....
!!! This is exactly how I started as well! That little 9 pt bugger is great value, it really is. I appreciate your single experience did not work...
To me, the systems you implement will determine your perception. To me, the perception of "Sometimes your Spetznaz gets crit, then you have no...
I got plenty more to say, but finding it a bit tough to find time to compose my thoughts. Just to chime in on the FO/Guided topic. It’s a legit...
Interesting, What are some of the “staple” profiles people take in TAK? Would the Kruyer have synergy with any of them?
As the title says, i want to hear from the community of TAK players if they’re using this profile? This profile is unique to TAK, and has some...
I had a game with Ikari against some IA last night in Supremacy. The list I used: [SPOILER] This list (7.4) was evolution on the previous...
I also got a game in with this list, which was loads of fun. However, I'll break this down a little further next time. [SPOILER] I threw this...
We're back! Finally got some games in after an enforced hiatus! I was lucky enough to get 3 games in against a good array of opponents to test...
Working on my next list: The general aim of the list is to continue my exploration into the faction, as well as build on a couple of ideas from...
Got a game and some data last night. Played some frontline, going first, ending in a close loss. Losing the middle zone by a base width Things...