LOL I can picture a TO, hammer in hand, making rounds through the tables and "testing" if the models are legit
It's not "cherry picking": OP mentined that he liked one specific rule ("burnt state") because of what it added to the game, and a few others...
Tohaa's Symbiont Armour being specially vulnerable to Fire was a different rule, unrelated to the Burnt state.
Nice. The fact that they are releasing so many models at once means that they really want them to join the competitive scene from the start.
I like the chicken robot, it looks simultaneously silly and cool.
CB are best when working with metal. Please, don't stop working with metal.
I loved that rule, it was thematic and an interesting tool to try to hunt ODD troopers.
I don't really like the design of the Kyojin Killers, but perhaps that's because I somehow expected Erwin leading the charge...
Pretty interesting, I'll watch the videos later.
Sorry for insisting on this, but has it been looked at that Tohaa's Pheroware Tactics are "Technical Weapons", a rule that doesn't even exist in...
If you go to the second profile, that means that the Symbiont Armour is dead and the trooper is now a non-hackable LI. That's why the second...
It's been said that they've used/tested different compositions (some times people have received miniatures where different parts have a different...
According to the latest video update it's quite the opposite: they are increasing Siocast production aquiring more machines to keep up with demand.
LOL, just asked for more non-humans in Hegemony a few days ago and there they are.
Killing the attacking model is the most definite way of stopping it, and in previous versions (like N3) the combination of "real" dice plus the...
I would love a public re-release of the Limited Edition "not-Saber Joan".
I Agree to both suggestions.
I expected a mix of Dwarves and Humans for this unit (haven't read the book), but they look nice nonetheless. In general, I'm missing a few more...
A friend of mine was interested in the not-Bretonians, but I guess that the asymetric warfare of the wood elves is more interesting from a...
I just took a quick look at the spanish version of the post and it didn't seem that bad; it felt just like a quick summary of rules changes.