My Adventures arrived as well... So how do I use the characters in the wargame? I expected to find cards in the box but there are none :'(
We had a question regarding placing scouts in a recent games that might fit here: When placing scouts do they all need to fit on the table edge...
Clearly the shotgun is missing ! Cmon CB make a mold and if you must package it with the HRL or Spitfire.
So the lessson is: Buy more Lunokhods not Morans !
Corregidor with Raul is called StarCo or am I wrong?
I think tomcats would make splendid wildcards... They would need to give up AD most of the time but the profiles match great with our link teams...
You SIr should talk to your local Booze Dealer about the quality of your purchases... And get yourself a Bottle of Don Papa. And yeah, I am...
What annoys me most is that there is no official comment to the removal even though it seems to move some the player base deeply. Shouldn't that...
Hmmm, Ava 2 says not too many . Unless you insist on full WYSWYG (Is there even a red fury? )
I'm quite surprised most lists don't go full SWC. If not with raw gun power how else can Morats stay in the game ?
Can someone have a go at the Daturazi Raktorak Core ? It's one of the new things I'm most excited about, but can't get a satisfactory list from...
Didn't someone promise a positive change fopr Kurgats? Cant see any difference ... The Rest: Oznat and Raktorak: yay , Bit: buhuuu, rest: meh
THIS! been thinking a lot lately why I should field Morats. Yes, I like the models and fluff but I can't quite get the unique selling point...
I find the positivity here quite uplifting, even though a bit surprising. I would expect, that we have seen all significant changes (Suryat...
Managed to add walkways, lights ,pipes and paint :D. Enough time wasted, miniatures are piling up on my desk so this is how I'll leave it. Was...
That would be a bummer ... Raktorak being specialist and a complementing weapon loadout with the redfury as a wildcard in Daturazis is the only...
I really doubt that the Morat rework was considered longer than for a single coffee break. I'd be reallly surprised if there is a hidden master...
I don't really see the point of the link team (and therefore Corregidor ;) ). The hacker in a team is more of a liability provoking aros than...
Yes it will be definitely a board for cinematic play and not competition. Although, I tried to make sure one can build some longer corridors...
I wanted to share my newest Terrain project: I wanted to give my Nomads a home and was looking for an indoor space station feel. Now, I couldn't...