Agreed about Vanilla. It was pointed out elsewhere that the only good lieutenant option in Vanilla is the Marut. If you don't take the Marut then...
Agreed - I'd also really like to see pure-linkable Danavas, as being able to give +1SD to a pitcher without sacrificing a full core or the spare...
Agreed - Aleph has some nice hackers but really lacks a way of extending their hacking network. I almost wonder if this is a deliberate choice on...
Also: worth noting that tactical orders are now counted against the 10 order cap that prevents your opponents removing orders from your pool when...
Ain't no human TAGs with Mim-6 and a large teardrop ;). The Cutter's 95 points, and it doesn't give you tacaware either, nor is it a WIP 17...
Reflective applying to Marksmanship is weird. I suppose it's intended to represent marksmanship that comes from computer assisted targeting...
Agree with the "Avatar's still fine" team. Avvie was fine back in N3 before she got tactical awareness and LT+1, she's still fine now. Infinity is...
N5 is out, army has been updated, and that hussy EI stole my damn boyfriend. I've been out of the game for a long while, but new friends and the...
I'm not the only one who sees Dukash and thinks Hellboy right?
Does the "suppressive fire + holoprojector activation" trick still work? If so that's an awesome unit to pull it with given it's ARM 5, 2W,...
I wouldn't call the difference between 26% and 30% negligible - Oblivion will succeed 15% more than carbonite will (4/26*100 = 15.38). I think...
Thinking about it, taking a Liberto is a pretty fantastic deal here. The loss of an order isn't too much of an issue for a 14 order single combat...
So how about this? [ATTACH] 14 total orders, an Avatar to shoot most things to death and an Overdron for everything else (and for roadblock...
EDIT: Army links in my first post seem boroken, and when I tried to edit it my post just got duped. I've stuck pictures of the lists here [ATTACH]...
I came up with the following after some thought The Overdron makes for a pretty immovable roadblock and can help against any msv pieces that the...
With N4, the Anathematic hacker has gotten a pretty sweet buff: They're - 12 points cheaper and gained access to AHD programs plus B4 Trinity (and...
I'm almost 100% certain the answer is no. The limits you talk about (may set aside one extra trooper, by spending one single command token) are...
I agree about the KHDs (this list fits them in), but I'm not so sure about taking an extra hacking device too. You can still cancel posessed with...
So, with the cheapinging of tags brought about by N4, I reckon it's about time to necro this thread! I came up with this list, centered around a...
Not gonna lie, I'm kinda sad about the lack of dudes in spacesuits :(, maybe the Rokots will make up for it. Volkolak missile launcher in a core...