What I'd really like is for Onyx to get reworked to be more focused instead of being such a patchwork. I'd begin by losing the Exrah, keeping them...
That's why the 15 trooper limit is both jaringly artificial and a bad idea. Expand it to two full combat groups, 20 troopers, balance the game...
I think you might be on to something here, USAriadna picking up from where FRRM got decimated and forming a core of new Ariadnan Expeditionary...
I feel that most of our discussions about wanting something to improve fail to take the full context into account. Bottom line is that Avatar is...
Get well soon! Also, that's great news. I've updated my own set in the meantime, but new players will sure find it handy :)
Maybe I am, I'm not omniscient ;) We'll see how things will shake out
Oh, I agree on both accounts. I'm also of the opinion that the amount of characters in the game got ridiculous and we could easily do without...
Sure, but would be nice to see them being more reliable in CC, maybe by giving them Berserk (+3) instead of a template. All in all I feel...
Gakis don't have one either, unless you count Explode. Taighas were possibly overnerfed - I'd really like to see templates back - but SEF got...
Not much point in hiding the Lt when most of your army can ignore LoL. In this regard Morats play very different than any other army, save for vCA...
It's not nice but also not underhanded. Avatar, Salamandra, and I think something else lost theirs too. I'd say it's fine, they're still powerful...
Eh, I'll miss Kendrat, but at least the model will do fine as a Krakot. More difficult to figure out what to do with HI Sheskiin or Sargosh....
We know that an order costs 4 pts, so technically he's 2 pts more expensive, but in target-richer enviroment. Let's run some games and see.
They really don't need much. Some fireteam tweaks, Order Sergeants getting more interesting (and I will die on the hill that they should have ft...
Ah, must've missed that particular info, thanks
There is, as well as a single reference to reinforcements in N5 rulebook in the table listing game modes. What I was getting at was that N5 was a...
FRRM got indeed fucked over, and it was the most thematically and visually interesting of Ariadna sectorials in my opinion. At least they were...
We're all reading wind and leaves here. Time will tell.
It might be, but let's test it first. +1 CT is also a valuable resource
I think it should get either Lt+1 Order or Tactical Awareness back, but I wouldn't discount the usefulness of having additional Command Token....