I very much for real saw someone I know who is definitely pro-Trump share a post of the Chinese fire hosing protesters in Hong Kong with dyed...
Learning how accurate the Prequel Trilogy was has been my WtF this week. I am waiting for the Dumpsterführer to declare himself President for Life...
My favorite recent read was that the virus is a hoax so they can give us all the vaccine with RFID glitter in it or some shit and then they'll use...
So...not the usual, potentially laughable, perchance annoying WTF, but, well... Engineer intentionally crashes train near hospital ship Mercy,...
Stuck at home waiting for the idiots across the hall to have another party. Shit's officially punishable with fines and jail time now and I will...
I am going to have to read the books for sure, now. I am only halfway into season 2, but it feels...uneven. Wonky. Contrived. I am enjoying the...
@ShaeKonnit, mine is just a month older and she's about the same. My sister works at her daycare and has regaled us with tales of her taking other...
Metal Gear Solid: VR Missions. I don't know why that didn't occur to me earlier. Something inspired by that, but multiplayer cooperative play.
Feb. 27. altered-carbon-season-2-release-date-premiere-netflix-episode-list-1483287
I had a friend recommending the series a few years before it was a series. Didn't read the books until the first three seasons were done. The...
I really had to scroll a lot to figure out what the hell happened that I clicked one thread and ended up in another. We are supposed to get on...
Short, easy, not compelling, etc. It's fun enough when you ARE playing it, but, afterwards, it just feels like empty calories. A LOT of similar...
Decided to get the XBL Game Pass or whatever it is called as it was $1USD for 3 months for Christmas. I started playing The Outer Worlds, wanted a...
I have replayed Tactics several times*. The game is very fun for the gameplay (don't give much of a crap about the story for that one). 10% of the...
Tactics had you make a character that was "you", but you controlled a whole squad. You went on missions for the Brotherhood (you were in the...
Just give me Chaos Gate, but with Infinity, the end. Or Fallout Tactics multiplayer, but Infinity skins.
I super appreciate the offer. We are working on some things and I think there will be a different place in this same space staffed by some...
So... The woman who owns the bar I work at is...into doing things how she wants to do things and if that isn't how things are supposed to be...
Not to be confused with the Boring Shotgun which is used to bore holes into things, or the Boaring Shotgun, which is only effective against 50...
Tesium Bottom: EXP CCW that, when hits successfully and reduces enemy unit to zero Wounds, but does not kill them, can be immediately followed up...