Interesting changes, glad I never got around to buying a Libertos.
I'm still hoping bigger means them rereleasing some old oop Tags and a generic Triphammer and some other stuff.
My favorite part is that buying both puts you 10 cents short of free shipping to North America
Isn't that a Haqqislam problem in general?
Forward Observer literally says BS attack under it in the wiki. [ATTACH] And if I look lower I see the technical weapon tag that is not in this...
I just want to see if I'm interpreting this correctly. Since Forward Observe is a BS Attack it does benefit from fireteam bonus birst to BS...
I'll be playing my first game of Supplies and my first game using HB in almost a year and have decided to mess around with a double Asawira list...
I played a little in N3 but found the shotguns confusing since I only played a handful of games.
I never chime in because I don't get in enough games but have been playing a lot more lately. As a Hassassin player I like this. Sure it will nerf...
There's definitely some food for thought here. I'm curious what people's opinions of Jannisaries are, Should i bother trying to hunt down the...
How does the order pool work with an MBH duo or haris? The wiki says you can only activate a fireteam with regular orders but the MBH is irregular.
I'm confused, Hafzas are AVA 4 and don't have a KHD option.
I just picked up some QK units to expand my Haqqislam which is primarily HB. I'm just wondering what the go to fireteams and units are with this...
I really need to spend more time in this thread. Plenty to discover
I wonder if I could cut the things off the top of the Silverstar Rover helmets. It's really the only thing that bugs me, well that and the...
That's strange. I usually just copy the code and push the button and it works. I'm on Android.
Not gonna lie, but if you're that miserable why are you even wasting your breath or playing? I walked away from GW a long time ago and never...
Just wanted to say your work is stellar.
I get the specialist requirement for Acquisition but am I reading something wrong for Capture and Protect? I thought anyone can grab the beacons...
The mission line up is Acquisition, Firefight and Capture and Protect.